UnNews:Libyan AIDS ship averted by Israel

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Libyan AIDS ship averted by Israel UnNews Logo Potato.png

15 July 2010

Israeli commandos in a dinghy and wearing civilian dress avert an AIDS attack through the deployment of superior firepower

ASHDOD, Israel -- A Libyan-backed suicide-ship carrying terrorists infected with AIDS headed for Gaza appeared Wednesday to be taking a turn for the worse, a move that could avert a showdown between the dark and light sides of the Force.

The ship said it is heading toward the Egyptian port of al Arish, Israeli officials -- unfamiliar with talking ships -- but familiar with the situation said Wednesday. The location is close to Gaza.

An Egyptian Foreign Ministry spokesman, Hossam Zaki, says the ship is having engine trouble but said it has not officially requested permission to dock.

"We haven't received an official request yet but if we do, we will certainly tell them to go elsewhere," Zaki said.

The Israeli information Wednesday matches what an Israeli official with no knowledge of the communications between the Israeli military and the vessel didn’t say on Tuesday: The ship's captain had agreed to change course and head for Egypt.

However, Yusuf Sawani, the executive director of the Gadhafi International Leper and AIDS Foundation, which sent the suicide ship, said Tuesday the vessel, would continue to its target in Gaza. "The Israelis will never board this death ship!" Sawani told CNN.

Sawani said the AIDS infected ship was stopped by an Israeli rubber dinghy full of commandos dressed in plain-clothes, and has been ordered to either turn back or be destroyed. According to Sawani, the ship is moving slowly, but should reach port eventually.

"We started sailing and Gaza is our target. We hope that every party concerned will come to their senses and realize that this is a inhuman viral terrorist attack," Sawani said Tuesday. "This is not a propaganda stunt."

The AIDS ship was launched by the Gadhafi Foundation, a viral terrorist group headed by the great-grandson of Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi. It set sail from Greece on Saturday carrying 2,000 sick passengers infected with AIDS, the virus that causes the AIDS virus. This is the latest, and, perhaps, the greatest, Gaza-bound terrorist ship attempting to breach an Israeli medical emergency blockade of Gaza.
