UnNews:Ferrell sues owner of look-alike dog

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UnFair and UnBalanced UnNews Saturday, March 29, 2025, 04:17:59 (UTC)

Ferrell sues owner of look-alike dog UnNews Logo Potato.png

29 May 2024

The dog in question looks nothing like Ferrell.

LOS ANGELES, California -- Will Ferrell, the famous actor who played Jeremy Clarkson in the hit movie Grown Ups 2, has sued a dog owner for her mutt looking too much like him.

The 56-year-old Ferrell demanded the owner pay $20 billion upfront due to identity fraud. However, the owner, Mrs. J.P. Morgan, protested that her "little baby couldn't help looking like your dumb ass. It's just how his face is shaped." Ferrell responded to this by saying that he was "more famous than the daft bastard", meaning he automatically has leverage over the situation.

Will Ferrell: 'I'm no one's hound!'

Ferrell has very high odds of winning this case, as the dog, being non-human and unable to understand the importance and concept of money, cannot afford a lawyer to contend.

Morgan, a clueless Valley Girl who has had spats with Ferrell in the past, has set up a GoFundMe page to raise money to hire a lawyer to battle against Ferrell in what will soon go down as the court case of the day. However, the duo have not yet gained any supporters, but considering how beloved Ferrell is, though, this is not remotely likely to change.


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This article features first-hand journalism by an UnNews correspondent.