UnNews:Dental hygienists release job stimulus efforts: Stop taking care of your teeth!

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Where man always bites dog UnNews Saturday, March 29, 2025, 06:10:59 (UTC)

Dental hygienists release job stimulus efforts: Stop taking care of your teeth! UnNews Logo Potato.png

1 May 2014

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LOS ANGELES, California (AP) ---

Dental Hygienists Release Job Stimulus Efforts: Stop taking care of your teeth!

Someone in there is our Vegas money!

Stop Flossing! 90% of Americans floss enough and do so properly. If one removes plaque effectively once every 24 hours, teeth can be free of dental disease. Kick the flossing habit and leave icky gunk where it belongs-in between your teeth!

Don’t be Active. Sit on your ass, the last thing you need to do is exercise. You could get run over by a truck while riding your bike. You could fall off of a bridge while jogging! Swimming often times leads to drowning, shark attacks, and fitness!

Stop Eating Well. Jeesh! Knock if off with the apples & green tea already. Beer and soda pop and candy & cookies, why that’s what you need more of! Calcium and phosphate protect teeth and are found in regular cheese-but not in nachos. Can someone say "yum"? Yum!

Regular flossing and brushing of teeth can lead to decreased risk for cardiac illness, diabetes, and cancer. Don’t fight it, we all have to die sometime.

This article's full of so much bullshit I need to brush my teeth!
