UnNews:Camel Porn smut film too raunchy for Mecca

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Straight talk, from straight faces UnNews Wednesday, October 23, 2024, 18:16:59 (UTC)

Camel Porn smut film too raunchy for Mecca UnNews Logo Potato.png

26 May 2010

Camels Gone Wild may have too much humping for Mecca.

ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates –- Jenna Jameson and her hardcore friends are packing their suitcases, putting on their topless bikinis, and heading to Mecca, where luxury hotels, the "Kabba", and pristine desert serve as a glamorous backdrop for their next orgy flick, Camels Gone Wild.

But Camels Gone Wild was actually filmed thousands of miles away in California's Death Valley, because the film's premise is just too racy for the conservative holy city of Islam. In fact, officials in the Saudi pilgrimage site may decide the movie is far too corrupting and temptational for their sacred city.

"Camels Gone Wild will not be shown in the blessed theaters of Allah!” one official claimed.

One moviegoer in Mecca told CNN that people there would more readily accept the movie if the name were changed. "It's a shocking title if you consider this part of the world."

But even if the movie never makes it to theaters in Saudi Arabia, it could have a big impact on the country. London-based brand expert Stephen Clitoris said Camels Gone Wild could do for Mecca what the Lord of the Rings movies did for Mount Mordor in New Zealand.

"If any film is set in a location, then it can be a massive boost for that location," he said.

Clitoris said Mecca could use the extra attention.

"It does need to get its name out there to raise awareness, so this film could be really important in that respect," he said.

The movie opens in the United States Thursday.
