Forum:Some anonymous trolls stole my real profile pics

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Forums: Index > BHOP > Some anonymous trolls stole my real profile pics
Note: This topic has been unedited for 5186 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over.

And threatened to post my real name and personal info with photoshop versions of those pics on that Wiki we aren't supposed to name that is stupid and not just funny. They already photoshopped them and uploaded them to some web sites to make me look ugly and fat and other stuff even bald and the like. Apparently they got tired of me writing Uncyclopedia articles and showing them what true humor is, and this is an attack on us all. Not that it matters as I can post a trillion dollar lawsuit because I am not notable and can have that Wiki give me their IP and email info and sue them into bankruptcy homelessness in whatever nation they live in, as those photos are IP copyrighted and since I am not notable they can easily be removed, right? They are picking on me for being schizoaffective and mentally ill and have picked on me on various web sites since 1998. I tried changing handles and such but they always stalked me and found me, and even vandalized some of my articles here. Can any of you admins stop them if they create an article about me here? But on that drama Wiki can't do anything about it, eh? --Lt. Sir Orion Blastar (talk) 02:30, April 7, 2010 (UTC)

Your chances of suing them and actually winning are very slim. You would need to establish the copyright status of your images, explain where you uploaded them to the internet (what website you uploaded them to obviously affects the copyright of them from that moment on), and then attempt to figure how much money they made off of using your images as a basis for a lawsuit. I posted this in a recent forum, but it's relevant so I'll repost: from a legal standpoint, the DMCA, which is applicable to ED because their servers are located in the United States, states that people cannot control their own image if it is used contrarily to its original purpose so long as copyright laws are respected, particularly in parody, such as the legal case of Crook v. Diehl. A person need-not be notable or well-known (that may be a qualification for Wikipedia entries, but it's not a legal qualification for parody). You wouldn't win a libel case against them. And I'm sorry to say it, but proving copyright on small content such as personal pictures is very difficult. I'd like to warn you though that pursuing legal action might only worsen things for you. Are you familiar with the Streisand effect? I'm also curious though as to why they would target you of all people though, as your story sounds a little bit sketchy to me. --Hotadmin4u69 [TALK] 03:20 Apr 7 2010
So uh.... where are these pics, anyway?     EugeneKay wuz here (whine thank)   03:26, Wednesday 07 April 2010  
On private web servers that only friends can see, so they hacked accounts to steal them obviously. --Lt. Sir Orion Blastar (talk) 04:05, April 7, 2010 (UTC)
Well I don't know why they are doing it, the usual anonymous trolls I called on their bullcrap I guess. They got tired of me writing Uncyclopedia articles and decided to vandalize them. Then when the admins banned them and we reverted the edits, they swore revenge and hacked some web sites to steal my profile pictures and threatened me to have my pictures photoshopped unless I have various Uncyclopedia articles deleted that offends them, but what they don't know is that I have no power to do so, and the articles are pee reivewed and accepted by the community here. Anonymous Slashy, Powershot, that Thailand troll, and others teamed up against me I guess? --Lt. Sir Orion Blastar (talk) 04:02, April 7, 2010 (UTC)
I would suggest going after them for hacking your account. That would probably be easier to win than a libel or copyright lawsuit. --Mn-z 04:53, April 7, 2010 (UTC)
Agreed. And try to have the pictures taken down wherever they're being hosted. Do so in a discreet way. Making a huge fuss about it could only worsen things. --Hotadmin4u69 [TALK] 05:02 Apr 7 2010
They claimed to have saved them offline and just did an article on me that got deleted for vanity so the admins at the other Wiki I cannot name are noted about this bullcrap and deleted the article and photoshopped pictures of me. Yeah for logic, reason, and common sense even at the Wiki we dare not name. --Lt. Sir Orion Blastar (talk) 05:04, April 7, 2010 (UTC)
I see that:
04:54, 7 April 2010 HedgeJew (Talk | Contribs) flushed "XXXXXX XXXX" ‎ (Vanity crap: This article was bad and the creator should feel bad)
Whoever's trying to slander you is apparently not very good at it, and ED doesn't seem to give a shit about you, so I wouldn't worry too much about it. --Hotadmin4u69 [TALK] 05:10 Apr 7 2010
Hurray for the good guys. I am humble to be non-notable enough to get articles about me deleted for vanity. I am glad ED doesn't give a shit about me, as I don't give a shit about them except for the fact that obviously the admins are on my side now to stop these trolls. I never tried to hide my real name, but I use Orion Blastar as my pen name like Stephen King used Richard Bachman, Samuel Clemens used Mark Twain, and Ben Franklin used Benevolus, etc. --Lt. Sir Orion Blastar (talk) 05:56, April 7, 2010 (UTC)
Yeah, I know what you mean because I use Happytimes as my pen name. My real name is Blastar Orion, but I didn't use it to keep the confusion down.  Avast Matey!!! Happytimes are here!* Happytimes.gif (talk) (stalk) Π   ~ Xkey280.jpg ~  07 Apr 2010 ~ 06:27 (UTC)
Well dozens of my friends and family use the Orion Blastar name it is a "Dread Pirate Roberts" type of name meant to be shared to confuse our enemies and make me look immortal and hard to kill and defeat. I once had Andre the Giant pose as me, another time it was Hulk Hogan, and then Kurt Angel and Bruce Willis, a friend of mine did it until he died in 1999. Others used the Blastar name as a tribute to me and people think those are my accounts but clearly they are not. Blastar Orion is one of them, right? :) The troll hackers just scored an "own goal" and that admin did the right thing by flushing the article. Since Orion Blastar is a space pirate ninja he is a master of disguise and can appear as anyone anywhere even multiple places at one when multiple people play as him. But better tell the other Wikis we are on to expect more of this stuff. By the way Slander is the spoken word, the written word is libel. So unless they are doing audio files or videos about me, it is libel. I worked with lawyers for four and a half years and pick up on stuff like that. I could become a lawyer, just need to pass law school and the bar exams, but I can be an asshole at times, and know how to argue and debate so I am half a lawyer already. Only I am not qualified because some times I am a nice guy, which disqualifies me for being a lawyer by the lawyer union or whatever. :) Ah maybe I'll become a Paralegal instead. --Lt. Sir Orion Blastar (talk) 08:39, April 7, 2010 (UTC)
While I empathize with you, the thing that people have to realize is that putting the real you on the internet guarantees that others on the internet will see it. If you use your real name, real pics of you and your real cup size, you can't honestly act surprised, angered or depressed when some douche on the internet uses that information for his own jackasstardly amusement. It's like having an act in Vaudeville, handing out fruits and vegetables to the audience before you go on, then being surprised when you're pelted with them.
I should note that I use my real name, "Modusoperandi", because it's such a terribly common name that it's useless as a signifier, my real pic because, frankly, it's simply too awesome to mess with, and my real location, Easter Island, because it's got giant heads. Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 18:15, April 7, 2010 (UTC)
Well if they do post my real info and photoshop my pics and I cannot sue them, how about I hire a private investigator and white hat hacker to track them down, dress up like Batman, kick their asses and keep doing that until they remove the trolls and photoshops about me? Would that work? Now when I mean kick their ass I mean take public photos of them and then photoshop it and do the same to them that they did to me, but the PI will be dressed as Batman and hidden. Now I cannot post such things on Uncyclopedia but a Swedish PRQ web server that a friend of mine has can host it for free for me with their real names and contact info and IP logs and email and what they did to me. Would that work? --Lt. Sir Orion Blastar (talk) 20:02, April 7, 2010 (UTC)
Oh yeah I did not make the photos public they were private and password protected but they hacked into many web servers to steal them. I filed complaints with the web servers and they don't want to do anything about it, saying that while it was mean to do and they feel sorry for me, management does not want to press charges and track them down or give me their info to file a report with the Police and FBI. I got prank called at 3AM every morning for a week by a spoofed caller ID using 123-456-7890 and 666-666-6666 leaving death threats and saying they will make my private info public unless I get Uncyclopedia articles like Asperger's Syndrome and others deleted and quit writing on Uncyclopedia. What part of they hacked my private info, even stole my identity with stealing my SSN, credit cards, bank numbers, etc forcing me to have them changed, didn't you guys understand? I mean they create fake profiles about me on random Internet web sites using stolen information and then photoshop the pictures via 4Chan type stuff and post untrue information about me, and I cannot sue them over it? Nor can I sue them for prank calling me via VoIP and stealing my credit cards and bank account numbers and identity as well, eh? Man they ruined not only my reputation but my credit rating, and now I'll never get a job again because of all this and end up homeless and Nobody cares enough to help me, not even the police and FBI. --Lt. Sir Orion Blastar (talk) 21:55, April 7, 2010 (UTC)
If they stole your identity, cancel your cards and go to the police. If they say they can't do anything, at least get them to sing King of pain or Message in a bottle. Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 22:35, April 7, 2010 (UTC)
Already done, and I am trying to get my credit rating back claiming accounts they opened in my name with a different phone number and address are not ones I did. The Police and FBI ignore me refuse to file a report. Clearly this is a US Patriot Act violation, but again Nobody cares enough to help me out. If I could just document this with reports with the Police or FBI, but they refuse to do anything even if my tax dollars pay their salary. How can these anonymous Internet trolls and hackers get away with this stuff scot-free and their ain't jack squat I can do about it but suffer? Did you read my talk page, my father has a brain tumor and lung cancer and might die, and I got what I thought was the flu that turned into bronchitis and made me sicker and I might die of that as well. I don't really need this nonsense over giving Anonymous Slashy a fair trail over the Asperger's Syndrome page, or telling that troll that the Thailand article does not need a Feet King reference as it was stupid and not funny, or any of the other vandals and trolls I reverted edits of here. If I did anything to offend or upset these people, I publicly apologize but they won't tell me what and keep targeting me in many ways. So I guess my reward for being a good citizen at Uncyclopedia and following the rules is to have this shitstorm heaped on me for revenge, eh? If they attack me this way, what happens when they figure or hack the real private info of the rest of the Uncyclopedia users and admins? After they are done with me, they'll just move on to the next victim on their shit list and harass him/her like they did me. --Lt. Sir Orion Blastar (talk) 23:26, April 7, 2010 (UTC)
Did you try asking for the ip addresses from the Wiki which must not be named, or Wikia? Or legal-threating the site on which your information is hosted? If you could get a trail to the hackers, you might be able to file a police report more easily. Also, person information stealing is serious business, not like the nearly unprosecutable crimes of libel and copyright infringement. --Mn-z 04:40, April 8, 2010 (UTC)
If you think that's bad, I was hunting through my box of DVDs for Idiocracy and it turns out that I, somehow, own a copy of Underworld. I know! Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 10:51, April 8, 2010 (UTC)
Underworld almost as bad as an Adam Sandler movie, eh? The Wiki refuses to give me the IP address and email of the troll. So I'll just have to wait until they write about me at a web site that does have admins who care about these things enough to give me the troll's info. No doubt they'll keep doing this just as sure as Anonymous Slashy refused to give up until he was banned and every proxy server he used was banned as well. --Lt. Sir Orion Blastar (talk) 12:55, April 8, 2010 (UTC)
How about getting the info from Wikia? If they refuse, we could do a F#CK WIKIA crusade. Also, did you mention to the Wikia Which Must Not Be Named that said trolls are engaged in identity theft and cyber-terrorism? Mentioning that he is cyber-terrorizing against offensive articles might also be helpful. --Mn-z 14:06, April 8, 2010 (UTC)
I find all of this to be hard to believe. Why would anyone want to do this to Orion? What possible reasons would they have to do this? What did Orion do to them to deserve this? I think if you make up with the trolls doing this to you, they could stop and then you won't need to file the police or FBI. Clearly they are bullies, and feel wronged in some way. Here is how to handle a bully It sounds like people at you workplace who know you well enough to do this to you, anonymous strangers don't know anything about you, unless they did hack your personal info from private servers. How to handle a work place bully might help with that. Please do a peaceful and non-violent way to handle these bullies Orion, or else they will make it worse for you and say you did something to them and put you in jail as they all swear false testimonies on you and blame you for everything. Christopher Chance 18:02, April 8, 2010 (UTC)
Uh... What if I accidentally sent death threats in blood through the post? --18:12, April 8, 2010 (UTC)
Then Jack Bauer will get a DNA sample of your blood, figure out who you are, hunt you down, and then kick your ass and arrest you. Sound fair? Christopher Chance 22:30, April 8, 2010 (UTC)
There was a student called Jack Bowers in my journalism class at college. In the UK btw. --nldr 22:41, April 8, 2010 (UTC)
Yeah we need him too, let us round up an UnPosse and bring in Jack Bauer, Jack Bowers, Mr. T, Chuck Norris, and bring these motherf***ing trolls and hackers to justice the mercenary or vigilante way. When the law fails to protect you because the law is an ass, then the US Constitution says in Amendment 10 "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." So power to the people to form a mercenary or vigilante group to hunt these trolls and hackers down and bring them to justice. LOL! :) Christopher Chance 00:26, April 9, 2010 (UTC)

If they do find me, I'll be the guy that looks like Batman :)

Orion Blastar is Big Daddy.

I'm Big Daddy and if I ever meet these trolls I'll kick their ass! My daughter Hit-Girl can take care of them also. --Lt. Sir Orion Blastar (talk) 16:07, April 7, 2010 (UTC)

I don't look like Batman, I just SOUND like batman. I look like FDR, vaguely, with my long-stemmed cigarette holder and tophat. Though, to be fair, I'm rather shorter and rounder than he was.--<<Bradmonogram.png>> 22:45, April 7, 2010 (UTC)
I look like Batman but I sound like Darth Vader. My arch enemy is The Puffin, and Dark Jester, Polecat Woman, my Psycho Ex-Girlfriends (apparently they all claimed I drove them crazy), and some anonymous Internet trolls I reverted the unfunny edits of here at Uncyclopedia who did all of this harassment and hacking and other bad stuff to me without any logical or reasonable explanation. --Lt. Sir Orion Blastar (talk) 23:26, April 7, 2010 (UTC)
Damn Orion you are funny, you seem to have a super hero type delusion, but I like it as it suits you. That movie is one I want to see, but have you seen Human Target on NBC before? If you like Big Daddy and KickAss you'll love Human Target. Christopher Chance 22:27, April 8, 2010 (UTC)
...the fuck? --Hotadmin4u69 [TALK] 22:30 Apr 8 2010
Who's the baddest mother f***er of them all. Blastar, shut your mouth. Go Orion go, hunt down those Internet Trolls and Hackers like Jack Bauer would only do it Adam West style with a bit of Elvis as Big Daddy would do. Christopher Chance 00:20, April 9, 2010 (UTC)
Are you Richard Chance from To Live and Die in L.A.? --nldr 00:34, April 9, 2010 (UTC)
You people are weird. And the last time someone tried to hack me, I blew up everywhere until I was such an inconvenience something was done to shut me up.--Sir ~HELPME~ Count! Awards! Pee! Help! 00:40, April 9, 2010 (UTC)
No I am Christopher Chance the Human Target series. Christopher Chance 05:21, April 9, 2010 (UTC)

Legal action Orion can take

Orion I asked some of my lawyer and police officer friends, read this: Get an attorney who specializes in cyber law and E-discovery. Usually they have free consultations. Tell the attorney that you suffered sever emotional distress from "harassment, cyberterrorism, hacking, identity theft," and that this stress manifested itself in the form of physical injury, such as depression induced weight loss. He will likely attempt to bring suit against the website in question for negligent infliction of emotional distress (N.I.E.D.) During the discovery phase he will be able to subpoena all the websites records relating to the incidents. You will obtain the ISP address and ability to ascertain the identity of the offenders and bring a lawsuit for Intentional infliction of emotional distress against them and press criminal charges as well. Alternatively your attorney may strike a deal with the website in which they release the ISP of the criminal in question if you drop suit. Present the I.S.P. screen prints outs of the comment and other relevant material to authorities for criminal proceedings and sue him for I.I.E.D. There is other claim you have based on the hackings and stolen property that attorney will be able to draw out and bring against the defendants. If you have a case choose continue contingency fee basis as your payment option, not hourly. That way you don't pay unless you win lawsuit, in which case the attorney gets a percentage of the settlement . Christopher Chance 13:01, April 9, 2010 (UTC)

Wow. The people you hang around with are useful. Everyone I know is a dentilepidopterist. Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 14:19, April 9, 2010 (UTC)
Maybe you just need to make new friends who have this advice and information. Just a suggestion. I used to have toxic friends who took everything from me and then left me and never wanted to help me. Then I got friends from college as smart as I am but in different areas anbd they became lawyers, doctors, police officers, etc. Basically you want new friends with a college degree or lots of wisdom and experience. Christopher Chance 19:03, April 9, 2010 (UTC)
But I just met hobos! Don't tell me that "Tophat" Phil and "Wheezin'" Walter don't know much about stuff (They'll stab you). Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 21:25, April 9, 2010 (UTC)
I never said that. I just said make new friends not get rid of your old friends. Even Hobos got knowledge and advice to give you. I often give Hobos a $20 bill in my neighborhood just so they can get something good to eat and drink. Just that I never met a Hobo who was once a lawyer, doctor, police officer, etc before. :) Christopher Chance 19:56, April 14, 2010 (UTC)

Why Orion does not need this now

His talk page mentions that him and his father are very sick. So these bully trolls pick on him when he is at his weakest. That makes them even worse than we thought they were. If I ever do find them I will gladly give them a free lesson in Boot to the Head! Christopher Chance 21:21, April 9, 2010 (UTC)


WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! <insert name here> <(^_^<)Meh.Meh. Meh. or something like that 01:54, April 10, 2010 (UTC)