Forum:An Uncyclopedia Facebook page

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Forums: Index > Village Dump > An Uncyclopedia Facebook page
Note: This topic has been unedited for 3584 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over.

Would it be a good idea to make one of these to increase publicity for Uncyclopedia? We seem to be doing alright for ourselves in terms of producing articles at the moment and this may attract attention. It wouldn't be a group page, it would just be a page for Uncyclopedia where links to articles are posted. What do people think? SirScottPat VFH NotM WotM WotY UotM 17:09, May 9, 2015 (UTC)

It would be easy to do. I did think about this very early on, realizing it was such a fantastic resource of comedy. All it takes, as far as I can see, is have a UnCyclopedia account for admin's or trusted editors to keep it rolling, and keep half an eye on edits post posting. Dropping appropriate, i.e. trending topics, or funniest articles in, is just a case of pasting the link in, the engine even sorts out images. Might be an interesting exercise. --EStop (talk) 15:42, May 10, 2015 (UTC)
The last round of this was eleven months ago, pursued by Simsilikesims at the instigation of TheWikiMan026. Bottom line, everyone likes the idea, but no one has the time to maintain it against obvious mischief, and even if you two wanted to, it would be better for the site that you keep writing high-quality content than spending some of the time running a chat room. Spıke Ѧ 15:58 10-May-15
Facebook is different to IRC. IRC would just be us mucking about chatting endlessly without doing anything. I don't advocate creating a Facebook group page but rather simply a Facebook page to post article links (i.e. not a chat room). It would take 1 minute to put up a post. I'd be happy to make and run the page myself if the admins don't want to. The only things we would post are the UnNews that make it on Template:RecentUnNews, featured articles and competition announcements. Then the best of Uncyclopedia is there for people to accidently discover on fb. The Uncyclopedia info page on fb has 7,000 likes so I doubt it'll be long until our page would pick up interest. SirScottPat VFH NotM WotM WotY UotM 16:11, May 10, 2015 (UTC)
I have no objection, just a reminder that the Fork has an unc account too. Yes can see this is different from IRC channel. I think there is a wikia channel too on FB so may wonder (to get more hits) to go via that somehow. --Laurels.gifRomArtus*Imperator ITRA (Orate) ® 21:39, May 10, 2015 (UTC)
Did you ever hear back on Wikia's offer to promote us on their "Community Pages"? (Or anywhere else?) Spıke Ѧ 21:41 10-May-15
Erm...They wanted a link to one of front pages but I think the current one then was the 'racist' feature which is why I delayed it.--Laurels.gifRomArtus*Imperator ITRA (Orate) ® 21:52, May 10, 2015 (UTC)
The Wikia section is probably best. Don't mind helping out Scott, or whoever, with posting appropriate articles if you do go for a FB page. My personal motivation is to get better at writing, learn and support the project, which has veto over FB. When at sea, I do spend time daily on FB to keep in touch with family though, so it would be nothing to drop something in on an Uncy FB page. Have spotted one or two other mentions of Uncyclopedia in the regional press this year (want me to post the links to you too Romartus?), so there is an appetite. --EStop (talk) 09:14, May 11, 2015 (UTC)
Romartus:Uncyclopedia fork have only got a group page on fb and not a non-group page and so we will be distinguished from them by that.
If no one has objections I will set this up this weekend (busy exam week this week) and anyone willing to participate can contact me via email (see change summary). SirScottPat VFH NotM WotM WotY UotM 16:10, May 11, 2015 (UTC)
I have your email Scottpat. I don't have Estop's. Let me know through the usual channel. --Laurels.gifRomArtus*Imperator ITRA (Orate) ® 18:11, May 11, 2015 (UTC)
How do I get my email to you Romartus? Can you access my user credentials (it is there)? I can create an EStop email account and post it like Scott, if that would be easier, or more appropriate. Alternatively, I can send my email directly to Scott using his posted email, I have no problem with you guys knowing my contact details. --EStop (talk) 19:29, May 11, 2015 (UTC)

See change summary.--EStop (talk) 06:26, May 12, 2015 (UTC)

ScottPat is setting up the Fb page now

What the subheading says. Please like this subheading and subscribe to Subheadings that do the work of the comment now. SirScottPat VFH NotM WotM WotY UotM 16:19, May 15, 2015 (UTC)

EStop "likes" this..oh no. --EStop (talk) 16:56, May 15, 2015 (UTC)

OK, I've already stumbled at the first hurdle. Fb demands that we categorise our page. These are the options:
  • Local business or place
  • Company, organization or institution
  • Brand or product
  • Artist, band or public figure
  • Entertainment
  • Cause or community
I decided to pick entertainment at first, however I was then given a long list of choices that did not include "website" never mind "satirical website". Should I pick "Community" instead? "Website" appears as a sub-choice under "Brand or product" however I'm not sure we'd classify ourselves as a brand or product. Thoughts? SirScottPat VFH NotM WotM WotY UotM 16:41, May 15, 2015 (UTC)
PS - Wikipedia categorises itself as a "Non-profit organisation". Newsthump (a British news satire website, like British version of "The Onion") categorises itself as "News/Media/Publishing". If that helps. SirScottPat VFH NotM WotM WotY UotM 16:47, May 15, 2015 (UTC)

Perhaps avoid brand or product. You might end up with a load of guff to deal with about advertising. Maybe go with Wikipedia's line as a non-profit organization or community? --EStop (talk) 16:56, May 15, 2015 (UTC)

I prefer "Community" personally. "Non-profit organization" does not sound like a page that will post a funny article to your feed everyday. "Funny Vines" is categorized as a "Community" and that posts "funny" 5 second videos everyday. I'm going with community. SirScottPat VFH NotM WotM WotY UotM 18:33, May 15, 2015 (UTC)
After-thought: But then again "Community" sounds like a page that's just for Uncyclopedia users. I'm still unsure. I'll postpone this decision until tomorrow. I'll check here tomorrow and see what people have said and then make the decision. SirScottPat VFH NotM WotM WotY UotM 18:37, May 15, 2015 (UTC)
I'm good with Community. Community is my favorite TV show. ~jcm 20:18, May 15, 2015 (UTC)

The page is now set up!

It may not appear on the immediate search results for "Uncyclopedia" (turns out the other one has a page with over 19,000 likes) but with your help it could do so.

Here is a link:

Please like the page and get your friends to like it. SirScottPat VFH NotM WotM WotY UotM 09:36, May 16, 2015 (UTC)

Signed in as Romartus Imperator with suitable image. --Laurels.gifRomArtus*Imperator ITRA (Orate) ® 10:27, May 16, 2015 (UTC)
The Facebook logo on the UnNews Front Page now goes there (instead of to our Facebook article). Spıke Ѧ 12:05 16-May-15
Romartus, you don't need your own account on fb. Check the email conversation to find out why. SirScottPat VFH NotM WotM WotY UotM 12:55, May 16, 2015 (UTC)
Seems to work without ?fref=ts. Not just VFH and UnNews but a VFP should go up too. Spıke Ѧ 13:40 16-May-15
I agree but not all at once. FPs only occur about once every month and FAs only about twice a week so we ought to space them out with UnNews and old FAs. SirScottPat VFH NotM WotM WotY UotM 13:51, May 16, 2015 (UTC)
OK. I see by two new UnNews articles today (both of which are now on the Front Page) that creating the impression of a bustling website has not totally taken the place of being a bustling website! Me, I have never been a Facebook member, and so cannot "like" the new page although I like it. Wikia has been nearly perfect at not translating five years of electronic intimacy into junk email (and will probably stay that way at least until Verizon buys them up as it has AOL), whereas Facebook (and Google) did not get this big by exercising such respect for the customer. On which front, Microsoft's use of Windows 8.1 to control our post-purchase behavior, and its vow to morph Windows 10 into total marriage to Microsoft's servers on a subscription basis, deserves our satire as well as our condemnation. Spıke Ѧ 14:43 17-May-15
It's called the some-cows-in-the-field principal. The name might be wrong and the story might be too, but Bernie Ecclestone was getting drunk with Max Mosley somewhere in rural Italy and they saw a painting of some cows. Apparently the story goes that a farmer kept putting the same cows in different fields to give the impression of many cows, or maybe he made them walk in a circle...not important. And look at Ecclestone now, he's not even in prison. So are you angling at a take-up of Microsoft's mission to control all data, and therefore our lives, Wikia as this group of angelic social workers and Church organists, and Facebook basically takes candy from kids Spike? --EStop (talk) 15:48, May 17, 2015 (UTC)
Have instead been working on the football league yesterday and today. I have no doubt that Wikia also takes candy from babies. Simply, they have not gotten to mine yet. Spıke Ѧ 16:15 17-May-15