Forum:A look back at 2013

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Forums: Index > Village Dump > A look back at 2013
Note: This topic has been unedited for 4077 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over.

I just thought I'd open a forum where you could discuss Uncyclopedia's best and worst moments from 2013, so that we can look back at it and decide what to improve on and stuff. Not sure whether this forum was too loose for normal forums so I made it as a BHOP. Sir ScottPat (talk) White Ensign.gif Scotland Flag 1.png Compassrose.gif VFH UnS NotM WotM WotY 16:23, January 2, 2014 (UTC)

If this discussion leads to actual humor, someone ought to help Simsilikesims with her efforts at Worst 100 Reflections on 2013. Spıke Ѧ 16:49 2-Jan-14
I think it's important enough for Village Dump. Revert, if you disagree. Anton (talk) 14:58, January 5, 2014 (UTC)


Personally I think we spent a good deal of 2013 re-building the community after the split and I think we have succeeded. Sir ScottPat (talk) White Ensign.gif Scotland Flag 1.png Compassrose.gif VFH UnS NotM WotM WotY 16:23, January 2, 2014 (UTC)

Personally I think I don't know. Anton (talk) 10:46, January 4, 2014 (UTC)
I think we did well enough, considering the circumstances. There was and is room for improvement, as always, but this can also be viewed as an opportunity to do better in the future. We need to continue to attract and keep new users, and train beginner writers into high-quality writers, if we can possibly do so. One of the goals where I work also applies here: Improve each day and have some fun! After all, if we are having fun, it is easier to have a positive attitude, which attracts and keeps quality people, and contributes to a high-energy environment. Everyone here has some room for improvement, maybe a little, maybe a lot, but everyone can improve. When there is no more room for improvement, it becomes dull, and people leave. Learning is life-long, in one form or another. -- Simsilikesims(♀GUN) Talk here. 17:55, January 8, 2014 (UTC)
Agreed. Sir ScottPat (talk) White Ensign.gif Scotland Flag 1.png Compassrose.gif VFH UnS NotM WotM WotY 19:49, January 8, 2014 (UTC)

Look back

People always see you in a different way than you yourself do. That's why, in order to improve, we should be open to suggestions. If you feel you've got something to suggest, please, write it down. Just remember to be polite and objective (at least, as objective as possible). The page below is divided into two columns: the first one is to suggest something to users and the second one - to admins. I put the column for admins first, as many conflicts during the past year began, when users accused admins of something, and the point is that users' behavior is as important as the admins' one and we don't always realize this. The thoughts that are already there, are those that I heard from Uncyclopedia users (including administrators) in 2013.

Hopefully, this will help us to understand each other better. Anton (talk) 17:27, January 4, 2014 (UTC)

  • ...should try to be as polite as possible when talking about others;
  • ...should try not to criticize others, if this criticism won't influence the community in a positive way;
  • ...should try to turn criticism into positive suggestions;
  • ...should try to find their error (or errors) and possible ways to ameliorate the situation and not search for excuses, if an admin blames them for something.
  • ...should try to put themselves more in users' shoes, especially if they [admins] want to say something negative about them;
  • ...should try not to use blocks and deletions as weapons and/or cooling-down mechanisms (this page might be helpful);
  • ...should try to understand if there are important reasons behind users' lack of respect, angriness or impoliteness, rather than just block them and/or revert their contributions[1];
  • ...should try to be especially patient and tolerant with new users, even when there is a chance that these users are not good-faith contributors.
  1. However, this in no way excuses the users who are acting like that

And on that note...I'd like to thank the site for the warm welcome and help given to both Anton and I this year. I appreciated it a lot. Sir ScottPat (talk) White Ensign.gif Scotland Flag 1.png Compassrose.gif VFH UnS NotM WotM WotY 16:44, January 5, 2014 (UTC)

Scot has it right. Things have improved immensely in the last few months on everyone's part. This line from Scott Pat is one that especially holds true

*...should try to put themselves more in users' shows, especially if they [admins] want to say something negative about them; .

The edit summaries and talk page posts have gotten a lot friendlier and encouraging in the last few months. I think this is the key to retaining new writers. It's extremely important to tell the user what they COULD do right rather than curtly telling them what they DID do wrong. This is why I stuck around after my first dozen or so terrible edits. Aleister and happytimes were very friendly and encouraging with me. --ShabiDOO 16:34, January 6, 2014 (UTC)

That wasn't me who posted that, that was Anton. I'll put a line underneath for distinction. Sir ScottPat (talk) White Ensign.gif Scotland Flag 1.png Compassrose.gif VFH UnS NotM WotM WotY 19:52, January 8, 2014 (UTC)
Sorry, I think it is better if the table will be unsigned. The point of it was for people to add their comments to mine, if they feel like they have something to say. Anton (talk) 13:51, January 9, 2014 (UTC)
A lot of good points in that list. Everyone has made - will make - mistakes here either as contributors/users or admins. The best admins are the ones you don't see like this one - Chronarion - now a big wheel of cheese at Google I understand. --Laurels.gifRomArtus*Imperator ITRA (Orate) ® 08:20, January 10, 2014 (UTC)

Looking Back...

...I wish I'd eaten more pudding. -- Sir Mhaille Icons-flag-gb.png (talk to me)

There's pudding? ~Sir Frosty (Talk to me!) Proudly bogan 06:48, January 9, 2014 (UTC)
There was some apple crumble lying about somewhere but that was about a month ago. Sir ScottPat (talk) White Ensign.gif Scotland Flag 1.png Compassrose.gif VFH UnS NotM WotM WotY 09:05, January 9, 2014 (UTC)