Uncyclopedia:Top10 07/Apr

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Welcome to Uncyclopedia's Top 10 voting process. The rules are simple. You go through all of the featured articles of the last month, and you pick your favorite 10. You only get 10 votes, so choose wisely. Also, you may only vote once for each article you decide to vote for. After awhile, or whenever we feel like it, we'll end the voting and the 3 articles with the most votes will become Uncyclopedia's Top 3 of April 2007. If there are any ties I don't know what will happen, so try to avoid ties.

All entries are in alphabetical order for easier finding. Sign your votes using #{{u|your name}}. IP votes are counted as half a vote. Please update the score when you add your name.

Remember: Only 10 votes.
Voting ends on the 15th

Artificial Pseudoscientology

Score: 2
  1. Zombiebaron
  2. Mhaille

Byzantine Empire

Score: 2
  1. Insineratehymn
  2. Cap'n Ben

Charles Dickens

Score: 2
  1. Judgement
  2. Rogpyvbc


Score: 3
  1. Mordillo
  2. Cap'n Ben
  3. Alksub

Homeless Nerds

Score: 3
  1. Thekillerfroggy
  2. Bradaphraser
  3. Cap'n Ben

HowTo:Be at one with the universe

Score: 4
  1. Modusoperandi
  2. Rogpyvbc
  3. Alksub
  4. Verslapper

HowTo:Bluff Your Way to Political Power

Score: 3
  1. Uncyclopedian
  2. Hindleyite
  3. Verslapper

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

Score: 1
  1. Modusoperandi

Martina Hingis

Score: 8
  1. 15Mickey20
  2. Wehpudicabok
  3. Cs1987
  4. George_VI
  5. Kelpan
  6. Rogpyvbc
  7. Cap'n Ben
  8. The Thinker

Merde, She Wrote

Score: 1
  1. Tompkins

Rock, Paper, Airstrike

Score: 5
  1. Mordillo
  2. George_VI
  3. Bradaphraser
  4. Megamanfanx7
  5. Cap'n Ben

Slate industry in Wales

Score: 8
  1. Thekillerfroggy
  2. Savethemooses
  3. Zombiebaron
  4. Wehpudicabok
  5. Megamanfanx7
  6. Cap'n Ben
  7. 15Mickey20
  8. George_VI

Strongly worded letter

Score: 2
  1. Mordillo
  2. George_VI

The Consumerist

Score: 13
  1. Braydie
  2. Thekillerfroggy
  3. Modusoperandi
  4. Tompkins
  5. Uncyclopedian
  6. Mordillo
  7. Cs1987
  8. Bradaphraser
  9. Olipro
  10. Megamanfanx7
  11. Cap'n Ben
  12. Dr. Fenwick
  13. Mhaille

The Life and Times of Kraft Dinner

Score: 4
  1. Modusoperandi
  2. Wehpudicabok
  3. Thekillerfroggy
  4. Cap'n Ben

UnBooks:Panic on the Streets of Birmingham: Zombie Chaos and Civil Rights in the Sixties

Score: 7
  1. Thekillerfroggy
  2. Modusoperandi
  3. Wehpudicabok
  4. Zombiebaron
  5. Uncyclopedian
  6. Hindleyite
  7. Rogpyvbc


Score: 5
  1. Thekillerfroggy
  2. Wehpudicabok
  3. Kelpan
  4. User:Zork Implementor L
  5. Alksub

UnNews:Barbie robs bank, further pads résumé

Score: 4
  1. Uncyclopedian
  2. Trar
  3. Rogpyvbc
  4. Dr. Fenwick

UnNews:Bush sautes Tuskegee Airmen

Score: 0

UnNews:Google, Inc. Employee: "My Job Blows"; Apple, Inc. Employee: "My Job Sucks"

Score: 2
  1. Tompkins
  2. Uncyclopedian

UnNews:Local cancer loses battle with woman

Score: 6
  1. Tompkins
  2. George_VI
  3. Megamanfanx7
  4. Kelpan
  5. The Thinker
  6. Rogpyvbc

UnNews:Scientists make a sheep-human hybrid, bestiality enthusiasts pleased

Score: 3
  1. Thekillerfroggy
  2. Tompkins
  3. Megamanfanx7

Walgreens Drug Store

Score: 2
  1. Tompkins
  2. Braydie

Wallet moth

Score: 6
  1. Cs1987
  2. Wehpudicabok
  3. George_VI
  4. Rogpyvbc
  5. The Thinker
  6. Verslapper

Waltzing Matilda

Score: 2
  1. Wehpudicabok
  2. Cap'n Ben

Why am I in Canada?

Score: 5
  1. Wehpudicabok
  2. Zombiebaron
  3. Mordillo
  4. The Thinker
  5. Verslapper


Score: 1
  1. Braydie

Ye Olde Webbe Desyne Shoppe

Score: 3
  1. Megamanfanx7
  2. Hindleyite
  3. The Thinker