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Code Result What links here Description
{{User UnTunes contributor}}
Singing.jpg This user's mom told them they could sing so they now contribute to UnTunes.
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VThis user is a vegetarian, so you should be brandishing a stick of celery at them.
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This user is a Vegan.
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This user is Vegan Royalty!
...kind of like a Dairy Queen—but with soy milk or something.
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{{User Anti-Flame}}
Fireman1.jpgThis User tries to stop flamewars to protect the O-zone layer.
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{{Frappr user}}
Earth.gif This user can be found on the Uncyclopedia Frappr Map.
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Naturalhabitat.jpg This user is apart of the offical Uncyclopedia Alliance for Cyber Nations. God help us.
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{{User Ducreux}}
Pimpalicious! This user is a Disciple of Ducreux.

This user is too pimp for you.

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Marree man greyscale outline.jpg This user is a Marree Man. Drongos just became an endangered species.
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UnNews Logo Potato.png This user is an announcer for UnNews because no reputable broadcaster would hire them.
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UnNews Logo Potato.png This user is a reporter for UnNews because they couldn't get a job at a real newspaper.
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{{User Pirate}}

Pirates do it till you walk the plank.

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{{User Bestiary}}
Sugar Glider Attack.jpg This User is a zookeeper at the Un-Bestiary. Don't mind the smell.

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{{Transformer}} What links here
{{User Punished}}
Domokunyellownbackground.jpg This User has been officially punished on Un-Bestiary. Learn from their mistakes and don't get flogged.

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{{User Never Punished}}
Blackknight.jpg This User has never been punished on Un-Bestiary. Learn from their actions and act like them.

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{{User smoker}}
Smoking Sign.gif
This user adept of suicide in small fees. Cool, aint it?
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{{User Pothead}}
4:20 This user likes to smoke cannabis.
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{{User PUTPBAA}}
Pick Up the Phone Booth and Aisle This user edits PUTPBAA, the most organised text-adventure on Uncyclopedia.
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{{User Vegan}}
Tofu-datasheet-1.jpg This user is a vegan and loooooooves tofu. Please remind them that they'll die if they don't eat animal protein.
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{{User Vampire}}
Dracula1.jpg This user is a vampire. Please keep him/her out of direct sunlight.
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{{User Zombie}}
Zombie man.jpg This user is a zombie. BARHAH!
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Investment bonds.jpgThis user is a miser, and couldn't be happier with his/her money!
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Wheel.jpgThis user watches Wheel of Fortune.
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{{User assassin}}
Assassin.JPG This user is an assassin, and can kill you anywhere you go from in the shadows. Fear this user.

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{{Maddox fan}}
Maddox.gif This user loves Maddox.

Maddox, however, doesn't give a damn.

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Uncymy.jpg This Uncyclopedian claims to have a MySpace: MySpace.com/*******

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{{User Proofreader}}
Bmup smaller.jpgThis user is part of The Proofreading Service.

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{{User NAV}}
NAV dark.gif This user is a Net Authority Violator
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{{User Myspace Bulletin}}
Envelope.gif This user is cursed, and will lead an unsatisfasctory life unless they forwards this userbox to 10 friends.
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{{User PEEING}}

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