Uncyclopedia:Hall of Shame/Ljlego
Features: 36.5
Fat Albert, HowTo:Set Up a Party at the Last Minute, Nazi, Mad TV, HowTo:Be a Jehovah's Witness, iTrip, UnNews:Procrastinators Unite Today; Shirt Enthusiasts Enraged, HowTo:Beat the Odds, HowTo:Be a Gangsta, UnNews:For Dummies author earns PhD, Heavy Classical, Russian reversal (phenomenon), UnNews:Monogamy in Utah upsets economy, D, UnScripts:Dora the Explorer: The Movie, UnBooks:Coming of Age Tale, Hodgepodge, Chuck Norris, UnScripts:Feel Good Sports Movie, UnBooks:Dane Cook: An Unauthorized Autobiography, 2nd Edition (New Pictures) (With The Thinker), UnNews:Gandhi posthumously accused of mass genocide, Shrek, UnScripts:Emergency Room, UnNews:Tobacco picketing found to be addictive, UnBooks:Fischer Price, America (with THE), File 8AO4F: The God Case, UnScripts:Noah's Ark, Conservapedia (with TheLedBalloon and Modusoperandi), Uncyclopedia:No Reading Articles, UnScripts:To'Romisha, UnNews:Joe Schmidt "only good driver in the world!", Virginia Tech Massacre (with people I'm too lazy to remember the names of), UnNews:Michael Jackson dies! Also Farrah Fawcett, Victory, UnScripts:The Socialer Network, UnTunes:Ain't Another Way (The Pedophile's Lament), HowTo:Be Deep (with Thekillerfroggy and Dr. Skullthumper), Uncyclopedia:Don't Eat Waffles Here