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Uncyclopedia:Anniversaries/September 27

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September 27: Being Fooled by Nigerian Scammers Day

  • 1932 BC - The Queen of Sheba gives half of King Solomon's vast fortunes to Nigerians posing as lepers.
  • 535 - Pope Agapetus I sends half of all Vatican treasures to Nigerian princes in exchange for promises of ivory and tasty monkeys.
  • 1822 - Jean-François Champollion announces that he has deciphered the Rosetta stone. It begins, "Dear Sir, I am the cousin of the former finance minister of Nigeria, a Mr. Azikiwe..."
  • 1882 - Oscar Wilde is notified that he has been selected to receive £24.9 million from persecuted Nigerian businessman Chief MKO Abiola! All he has to do is telegraph his checking account number!
  • 1905 - Albert Einstein publishes the paper "Does the Inertia of a Body Depend Upon Its Energy Content?" in Annalen der Physik. This paper describes the relationship between energy and mass according to the equation E=MC2, where E is energy, M represents mass, and C is the number of Nigerian emails circling the internet at any given point.
  • 1942 - Adolf Hitler gets scammed out of all of Nazi Germany's tank anti-freeze budget by a Nigerian claiming to need a small sum of money to export his emu stock and giant vast fortunes.
  • 1961 - A young child, Davey, saves up his coins in a piggy bank to buy a bicycle. His dog Goliath convinces him to invest his money with him to get the bike sooner. When he finds his dog is just eating the coins, Davey kills him and chops him into bits. Davey then sets up a barbecue stand in front of the house, selling Goliath burgers to neighbors. Did we tell you his last name is McDonald? And that's the rest of the story.
  • 2005 - George W. Bush announces a 10,000,000 USD injection into the US economy, after receiving an email from "Dr. Shehu Shagari" who has all this money from some American guy's Nigerian bank account, who died in a plane crash with the rest of his family.
  • 2008 - Bernie Madoff takes $55 billion from investors in a Ponzi scheme. He is made the first honorary Nigerian in history.
  • 2010 - You go on to Uncyclopedia and check what anniversary it is after you paid a Nigerian $500 because he claimed to know the secret of life and that it was on this website.
  • 2043 - You are trying to research the lost Egyptian eggplant known as, 'The Interwebz.'