Uncyclopedia:Anniversaries/October 16

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October 16: Opening Day of Hunting Season for Mimes and Memes (United States)

  • 6992 BC - Early people living in the Fertile Crescent struggle to come up with a meme using that term.
  • 1804 - The first mime turns up in France.
  • 1854 - Oxcart Wylde is born in Dublin, changing his name to Oscar Wilde at the same time the city changed its name to Bonoville. His writings would inspire generations of snarky fops and billions of Uncyclopedia editors making up quotes that Wilde would deprecate with a swing of his cane.
  • 1862 - Mimes are used as couriers during the US Civil War. Most would be shot by frustrated generals trying to understand complicated messages.
  • 1898 - Future clown Emmett Kelly is born. No one notices because he doesn't cry, not even his mother.
  • 1914 - Mime hunting season, now known as World War I, is initiated to control the number of mimes in France.
  • 1937 - Adolf Hitler poses for many photos and movies knowing full well he would appear in memes decades later to carry on the Thousand Year Reich.
  • 1939 - The Phoney War is triggered by massed formations of Marcel Marceau look-alikes forming mime fields across the Franco-German border.
  • 1954 - Hunting season opening day is first advertised by Marcel Marceau, a cat and Elmer Fudd with the first two alternately holding up signs reading "Mime Season" or "Meme Season".
  • 1961 - Marcel Marceau finally makes his first appearance on TV. Millions call repairmen the next day to get their volume controls fixed.
  • 1987 - The first known instance of rick-rolling occurs. Astley becomes a mime at the same time, causing confusion among his 42 admitted fans.
  • 1988 - Garfield invents the phrase "Lotsa spaghetti", uses in the opening credits of his popular TV show. An angry Pastafarian in a green overcoat assassinates him days later.
  • 2003 - PETA argues that the mime problem should be solved humanely, by imprisoning them in invisible boxes.
  • 2004 - A disgruntled mime uses a .357 Magnum to "remove" any extra mimes in the area; he is promptly arrested. Apparently the mime wasn't using a silencer.
  • 2005 - Despite being a senior citizen, Chuck Norris becomes an internet meme by not shaving and being used as the model for Ceiling Cat.
  • 2006 - Vice President Dick Cheney shoots a mime in the face on a hunting "accident."
  • 2007 - References to Oscar Wilde declared to be no longer funny by a majority of mimes.