UnNews:Peruvians placed at risk at soccer match

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Peruvians placed at risk at soccer match UnNews Logo Potato.png

20 February 2011

Peruvian spectators laugh

LIMA, Peru -- A metal platform at a soccer stadium nearly collapsed during a youth tournament here, the state-run news agency Andina reported.

The viewing stand installed in Monumental Stadium in the Ate-Vitarte district was packed with people and started swaying just as the teams were preparing to march in a parade Friday to commence the Copa Crema Jose Luis "Puma" Carranza tournament, Andina said. Organizers said it is typical during these events for spectators to move around and even sway in rhythm, although "The Wave" (la onda) is not practiced here. But, as soon as the people stood still then the seats stopped moving, and everyone was laughing.

There were no deaths in the incident, and no injuries.

Fire Department commander Alfonso Panizo said the platform met all legal requirements. “All requisite payments (coímas) were made,” he said, admiring his pinky-ring, “and the facility can be said to be fully inspected.” The cub UnNews reporter on the site translated to English and we trust him implicitly.

Children who witnessed the near-collapse told Andina that the overloaded platform included candy vendors and transvestites. U.S. Ambassador Rose Likins said both are typical components of sporting events in Lima and should not be considered a cause of the near-mishap. “Peruvian candy is pretty heavy,” she said. “Not so the transvestites.” A group of these staged a protest on Sunday downtown at the Plaza de Armas, where they were confronted by a counter-demonstration of Catholic heavies. But that's neither here nor there.

It would look like this if the bleachers had collapsed. Fortunately, they did not.

Walter Acevedo, in charge of the Youth Commission at the sports center, resigned his position. “I take full responsibility for putting these youngsters 'at risk,'” he said.

A young spectator who gave his name as Paco said, “Everyone was piled in. The platform moved from one side to another, and everyone started laughing. Then the platform stopped and all the people became hysterical with laughing fits.”

“Not a single person was hurt. Nothing even happened. Why are you even here? Do you like soccer?”
