UnNews:Kim Kardashian offered $250,000 to Document Her Pregnancy

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Kim Kardashian offered $250,000 to Document Her Pregnancy UnNews Logo Potato.png

8 January 2013

Kim Kardashian 3 months pregnant.

Los Angeles, California -- Just one week after publicly announcing her pregnancy, noted socialite and reality television star Kimberly Kardashian has reportedly received an offer of $250,000 to document her pregnancy in an online blog. Sources say that Armenian filmmaker David Dginguerian intends to call the website http://mypregnancy.com

Despite Kardashian's large internet fanbase and her inexplicable ability to attraction, some analysts doubt the feasibility of the project. "While Kim Kardashian is a major celebrity, I doubt many women would look to her for pregnancy advice. For starters, this is her pregnancy, so her firsthand knowledge of the subject would be very limited," said one analyst.

Dgingerian countered the nay-sayers, pointing out that site for focus primarily on entertainment, rather than education per say. Additionally, the blog will reportedly focus heavily on video and other media, "This won't be a gloried Twitter account, there will be video, lots and lots of video. And also image galleries."

Dgingerian went on to explain the marking system, "We intend to operate primarily as a subscription service, although we will offer some free content to attract potential viewers. Our initial plans are change to $24.95 a month, or $49.95 for a 3 month subscription. We considered charging on a per video basis, but decided otherwise, at least in the new future. But enough about a business plan. Our website exists to produce and distribute the type of videos and other media that made Ms. Kardashian a celebrity in the first place. Except, of course, in higher quality."
