UnNews:Gay Republicans Lay Their Love on McCain

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Gay Republicans Lay Their Love on McCain UnNews Logo Potato.png

2 September 2008

ST. PAUL, MN (UNN)- Saying that he is less likely to send them to the gas chambersmembers than any other Republican in the United States, homosexual members of the nations largest Gay Republican club today announced their support for U.S. Senator John McCain (AZ) in his bid to become President of the United States.

The Log Cabin Republicans said in a statement that John McCain is their best hope for a brighter tomorrow. The club boasts a membership of six active gay men and one lesbian, who is dealing with "self-esteem issues".

Log Cabin spokeshuman Clark Wittred said that "In 2000 and 2004 the Club endorsed George W. Bush for President. The response showed us that our President respects our right to privacy and the importance of washing his hands in bleach after receiving our petition for recognition."

The endorsements at that time drew sharp criticism from human rights organizations who pointed out that Bush had gone out of his way to repeal civil rights legislation protecting homosexuals in the workplace, in housing and in civil matters, and used the justification that doing show proved that he, Bush, was against "Discrimination of any kind, wherever it may exist...Why should homosexuals get protections that others simply take for granted?" pointed out Bush who then ordered that "someone needs to show those cocksuckers the door."

However this year the LCRC members are hopeful that they'll get to stay for the whole convention. "I, along with the other Log Cabin Members have a right to remain on the convention floor and be the whipping boys and girl of this Grand Old Party," said Witred.
