UnNews:Famous rock drummer is dead

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Where man always bites dog UnNews Friday, March 7, 2025, 03:02:59 (UTC)

Famous rock drummer is dead UnNews Logo Potato.png

3 May 2022

Parnell in his prime

HOLLYWOOD, California -- Famous drummer Mick Shrimpton, who rose to fame as the drummer of legendary rock band Spinal Tap, has died at the age of 70.

Cause of death was not released, but presumably did not involve spontaneous explosion, being brained by a cricket bat, choking on vomit (his own or someone else's), or listening to his own Greatest Hits when the boom box fell into the hotel bathtub he was using.

Shrimpton, whose real name was Ric Parnell, was memorialized by his bandmates.

Drummers for Spinal Tap tended to die off roughly every ten minutes of movie time and were quickly replaced before the public ever learned their names. However, Shrimpton lasted a full twenty minutes and will forever be associated with Tap, though he did not appear in the closing credits either. He claimed he was booked for spots in Fleetwood Mac and The Beatles, but did not join because of misunderstandings or last-minute complications such as inexact bus fare, but he will be remembered for the drum line on "Oh Mickey" by Toni Basil, which still is featured prominently overhead in strip malls in Lima, Peru and anywhere else they can't make out the lyrics.
