UnNews:Euthanized puppy resurrects, pissed off

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We have met the enemy, and he is us UnNews Monday, March 3, 2025, 21:56:59 (UTC)

Euthanized puppy resurrects, pissed off UnNews Logo Potato.png

3 March 2011

One pissed off puppy

SULPHUR, Oklahoma -- It's a horror story. A three-day-old puppy abandoned in Oklahoma that was put in a trash bin after being declared dead by a vet is alive ... and looking for some serious pay back.

The puppy was left outside a dog shelter in Sulphur, Okla., with the rest of his litter. They were sick when they were found, so a vet at the shelter decided to euthanize them.

The procedures were performed, and then the dead puppies were put in a trash bin outside the shelter.

But when animal control officer Scott Prall took a peek inside the container the next morning, one puppy was very much alive. "He was just as healthy as could be," Prall told Oklahoma News 9. “And goddamn pissed off! I had to climb a telephone pole.”

After the shock discovery, vet Amanda Kloski fled from the furious puppy and was almost over-powered before hiding in a phone booth until police came to rescue her.

The surviving puppy was named “Spike” after the editor of the infamous Unnews disservice of Uncyclopedia – primarily because of his well-named disposition.

When a woman in Pennsylvania heard Spike's incredible story, she wrote about him on Facebook, prompting people from all over the U.S. to call police and demand protection.

The clinic was set to look at offers from prospective owners Wednesday and make a decision about his new home. "He needs a special home because he's really angry," Kloski said. "I mean, wouldn't you be?"

Durk Brazen, head of the Oklahoma chapter of the Hell's Angels told some unreliable source that he would adopt the pup. "Come hell or high water!"
