UnNews:Christmas week Mime arrests up

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Christmas week Mime arrests up UnNews Logo Potato.png

6 January 2010

Scared mime.jpg

LOS ANGELES, California -- More than 1,400 Mimes were arrested for miming during a week-long crackdown that ran through the holiday weekend, authorities reported.

Between December 18 and 26, there were 1,424 reported mime arrests, according to the Los Angeles Police Department Annoying Perpetrator Division, a California Special Programs Department subdivision found in more than 40 counties. Last year, 1,416 arrests were made during the same period.

"With all the Christmas parties and holiday jail parties going on, a lot of people are out drinking and miming" said Stuart Marcel Fratkin, the local coordinator for the department. "It's amazing how the stats go up around Christmas."

"The crackdown will continue through the New Year's holiday weekend", Fratkin said. In 2008, more than 400 mime arrests were made on New Year's Eve.
