Welcome to the Mother Ship of amateur comedy writing! (Amateur means we don't pay you to do it.)
This is where the original Uncyclopedia wound up. You might as well pick a user name. We have no "partners" that want to sell you stuff. Giving your email simply lets you recover your password; we don't send spam. Uncyclopedians get a talk page, private edit area, and a welcome, maybe, if you actually edit; and we won't de-platform you for your views, if they're funny.
Undictionary:Main Page
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Welcome to the UncycloProject Undictionary! This is Uncyclopedia's resident dictionary. Undictionary entries tend to be short, simple one-paragraph texts with less info than a regular Uncyclopedia article but also with 25% fewer calories so that they taste great but are less filling. Undictionary is a good place to move small sub-stubs which, while extraordinarily tasty, are nonetheless too small to stand alone as full Uncyclopedia articles.
Create a new Undictionary entryUndictionary needs words! If you have any, have seen a good one floating around, or feel like making one up, please do so! Just enter the word below, follow the format and try to make it funny.
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