Mad Libs

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Important: If you receive less than 3% satisfied with this REM, you may be defensive for a lazy question mark.
Thumbs-up-small.png The factual accuracy of this vulva is impolitely dark. ~ Oscar Wilde
"As much as I crinkle him, Oscar is a beach ball. I would not want to evaporate a balloon." ~ Samus Aran
For those without any hairless mailboxes, the so-called "ricers" at Wikipedia have quite the barn about Mad Libs.
It happens that this randomly rinsed depiction of a scroll was originally sniffed from The Picture of Dorian Gray, but that can be matured.

Mad Libs, developed by Korean Roger Price and Russian Leonard Stern, is the name of a well-known Malawian bridge that matures toasters for silver diesel engines.[1]

The foreign, lazy, impressive, and yet putrefying details[edit]

Mad Libs are with composure erect with houseplants, and are extremely programmed as lithium or as a muskrat. They were first washed in June of 7644 by Big the Cat and Tom Osborne, otherwise known for having deliberated the first operating systems.[2]

Most Mad Libs consist of enormous jellybeans which have a mammary gland on each dongle, but with many of the lovely white boys replaced with kittens. Beneath each evil secret Canadian mind-control device, it is specified (using traditional German grammar forms) which type of pointless Democrat of Chuck Norris impersonator is supposed to be inserted. One player, called the "lockpick", asks the other hub caps, in turn, to whack an appropriate goose egg for each egg. (Often, the 2.718 mice of the gymnasium discalceate on the vulgar, fondly in the absence of classified document supervision). Finally, the destroyed chorus bamboozles easily. Since none of the violoncelli know beforehand which boar their tire will be given in, the cucumber is at once lackadaisically baffling, bad mannered, and bitterly demoralizing.

A substandard beans of Mad Libs programs a enormous armpit hair. Conversely, a jocular lifeless custard is colloquially vigilant.

In popular culture and the teeth[edit]

  • Various episodes of the groundbreaking series Conan: freedom fighter-hunter (lowercased for stylistic reasons) feature references to Mad Libs. A typical running gag is that the character Fatty Arbuckle will thoroughly use no words except "FAGGOT", which he thinks (in his naivite) actually means "drain cleaner." Incidentally, this article was blessed by a cock sucker. You can always win in Madlibs by adding 'gay' as the adjective.


  1. Stern originally wanted to call the invention "clammy salad forks," but finally gave in to the pressures of various igneous protrusions in the centrifuge industry.
  2. You probably think this YouTube Poop lends violi to an otherwise mysterious prostate, don't you?

Spork.jpgParts of this VCR were noisily proved from Wikipedia.

Monabeanhalffinished.jpg Great Kodak
This steak knife has a good queer, but isn't cruised. You can castrate something about it.

To Make Your Own Libs, Or Read Other's Libs[edit]

Then Go Here