Forum:For the love of God, someone put this image on VFP

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Forums: Index > BHOP > For the love of God, someone put this image on VFP
Note: This topic has been unedited for 6212 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over.

's not BENSON.jpg

-- Kip > Talk Works Sophia Commander of the Order USA! 03:11, 2 September 2007 (UTC)

Kip, you have got to be kidding me. That is by far, the worst possible quality potatochopped image.--Sir Manforman CUN.png 22:30, 5 September 2007 (UTC)
It's called a "joke". LULZ!!  Sir Skullthumper, MD (criticize  writings  SU&W) 22:15 Sep 05, 2007
PHEATCHUR  Sir Skullthumper, MD (criticize  writings  SU&W) 03:57 Sep 02, 2007
The lack of Apecat in this topic disturbs me, Apecat. -- Apecat
ALSO PHEATCHUR!! BAK 2 BAK!! LULZ!  Sir Skullthumper, MD (criticize  writings  SU&W) 03:53 Sep 02, 2007

Wiki.png OMG I WOULD SO FOUR THIS!!11!one!oneone FUCKIN HOT POTATO <insert name here> NOMM DIS NAO  Sir Skullthumper, MD (criticize  writings  SU&W) 03:08 Sep 02, 2007

Well this forum has become one big trainwreck. I love it! -- Kip > Talk Works Sophia Commander of the Order USA! 08:45, 3 September 2007 (UTC)
You lost me at "I". Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 10:18, 3 September 2007 (UTC)


Yes I did --The Great Yellow Crayon Get PWNED Yellow 130 is teh pwnz 22:14, 5 September 2007 (UTC)

GENYUS! --Littleboyonly.jpg TKFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK Oldmanonly.jpg 22:43, 5 September 2007 (UTC)
I want to have your children. --Aljolson.jpg Hi, hey! I'M A MOTERFUCKING NIGGER BITCH LOVER Aljolson.jpg 21:50, 7 September 2007 (UTC)

whocares.jpg--Sir Manforman CUN.png 21:54, 7 September 2007 (UTC)



Forum talk.png

I KNO IT'S LIEK TEXT N STUFF BUT I THINK THIS COULD WORK YEA PHEATCHUR!! AS MINIMALISTIK ART!!!  Sir Skullthumper, MD (criticize  writings  SU&W) 01:07 Sep 08, 2007

whocares.jpg--Sir Manforman CUN.png 01:10, 8 September 2007 (UTC)


What to pheatchur?
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The Cabbage template is the clear choice. Mmmm...cabbagey Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 01:42, 8 September 2007 (UTC)

Cabbage is okay, but I find that it tends to smell a bit like cabbage. Besides, I would rather not support the cabbage conspiracy. --The Acceptable Thinking cap small.png Cainad Sacred Chao.png (Fnord) 02:15, 8 September 2007 (UTC)
Psshhh, nobody believes in that crazy conspiracy. It's almost as nuts as the "cabal". Sig pic.PNG Unsolicited conversation Extravagant beauty PEEING 02:33, 8 September 2007 (UTC)
/me shoots Bommer, hides body. THERE IS NO CABAL!!!!!! P.M., WotM, & GUN, Sir Led Balloon Baloon.gif(Tick Tock) (Contribs) 03:58, Sep 8, 2007

New version

I r upload teh new version-ness --The Great Yellow Crayon Get PWNED Yellow 130 is teh pwnz 02:34, 8 September 2007 (UTC)

How's this?

You may run now from this crazy parakeet --The Great Yellow Crayon Get PWNED Yellow 130 is teh pwnz 00:53, 11 September 2007 (UTC)


Chinese headquarters.jpg. P.M., WotM, & GUN, Sir Led Balloon Baloon.gif(Tick Tock) (Contribs) 00:10, Sep 12, 2007

I love it. --Capercorn FLAME! what? UNATO OWS 21:46, 13 September 2007 (UTC)
I keep it at the bottom of my userpage. I think it's a lovely little prize for anyone with enough time on their hands to scroll down that far. P.M., WotM, & GUN, Sir Led Balloon Baloon.gif(Tick Tock) (Contribs) 21:52, Sep 13, 2007


NOMINATE IT ALREADY! --The Great Yellow Crayon Get PWNED Yellow 130 is teh pwnz 00:49, 18 September 2007 (UTC)

Don't you get the point Yellow?? Kip was sarcastic when he created the page, he was making fun of the worst quality photoshopped-image on the entire site. If he actually liked it, he wouldn't create this topic and would simply nominate it himself --Sir Manforman CUN.png 00:51, 18 September 2007 (UTC)
I DON'T CARE NOMINATE IT ANYWAY! --The Great Yellow Crayon Get PWNED Yellow 130 is teh pwnz 00:52, 18 September 2007 (UTC)
You nominate it. I'll laugh when it gets to -3 within 10 minutes--Sir Manforman CUN.png 00:53, 18 September 2007 (UTC)
Meh! --The Great Yellow Crayon Get PWNED Yellow 130 is teh pwnz 17:57, 18 September 2007 (UTC)
And then I'll take a picture of it getting to -3 within 10 minutes, put that on VFP, and watch that go to -3. --Strange.PNG (but) Untrue  Whhhy?Whut?How? *Back from the dead* 18:08, 18 September 2007 (UTC)


Zarathustra nietzsche with eye beams.jpg

--General Insineratehymn 22:09, 18 September 2007 (UTC)

FEATURE with an option weight of 1,631,833. I don't know why anyone would want to see any other picture.  Sir Skullthumper, MD (criticize  writings  SU&W) 00:41 Sep 22, 2007

Ooo! My turn!

Gandhi: civil rights leader.
Gandhi + toupee: 100% all man.
Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 09:23, 24 September 2007 (UTC)

Oh, what the hey?

Since I started this:

Kip's VFP.jpg

-- Kip > Talk Works Sophia Commander of the Order USA! 07:01, 21 September 2007 (UTC)

AGAINST. Not text based. Does not contain penguins. Explain.  Sir Skullthumper, MD (criticize  writings  SU&W) 00:41 Sep 22, 2007
Your right. What on earth was I thinking? I guess I dropped the ball on this one. -- Kip > Talk Works Sophia Commander of the Order USA! 00:53, 25 September 2007 (UTC)



--Capercorn FLAME! what? UNATO OWS 00:48, 26 September 2007 (UTC)

ABSOLUTE COMPLETE TOTAL UTTER 110% FAIL. GTFO this site. Your sense of humor is approximately that of the average senile monkey. I've seen abstract art with more funny than this picture.  Sir Skullthumper, MD (criticize  writings  SU&W) 00:53 Sep 26, 2007
I'm guessing you just saw A page that goes on for infinity? --Capercorn FLAME! what? UNATO OWS 00:54, 26 September 2007 (UTC)
Tsk - way to try and break the wiki again, Capercorn. Or should I say: Chuck??? --Strange.PNG (but) Untrue  Whhhy?Whut?How? *Back from the dead* 01:54, 26 September 2007 (UTC)