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“Now, a Copy - them thars good eatin!”

~ John Wayne on Copy


~ Opposite on Copy

“Copy is a method as transportation as well as spam.”

~ Paste on Copy

“Copy is a method as transportation as well as spam.”

~ Paste on Copy

“Copy is a method as transportation as well as spam.”

~ Paste on Copy

“Copy is a method as transportation as well as spam.”

~ Paste on Copy

A rare, purple-skulled copy taking a brief nap
A rare, purple-skulled copy taking a brief nap
A rare, purple-skulled copy taking a brief nap

The copy (Avis duplicatius) is a small, flightless bird, noted for its piercing call, which can be heard throughout the jungle at night.

Species and Habitat[edit]

Native to Madagascar, copies were first discovered in 1567 A.D. by Ferdinand Magellan on his second global circumnavigation. One of his ships, the Santa Maria, was drawn too close to the reefs and was shipwrecked when it responded to the copy's haunting cry.


There are several sub-species of copy, the most notable being the photocopy, named for the blinding camera-like flash that it generates to stun and confuse its prey.

The copycat, however, is unrelated.

Food and Predators[edit]

Copies feed primarily on small seeds and nuts, and have a fondness for Beer Nuts.

Copies are generally not eaten by humans, except in extreme emergencies and large quantities. This is due in part to their small size, but primarily because they taste like crap.

Their primary predator is the Madagascar jungle lemur, which robs nests and eats cute little baby copies by the hundreds.


Copies are not an endangered species. Far from it. If fact, in 1997, the World Health Organization announced that local economies could benefit from crushing every copy they saw with huge boots and grinding them into a bloody paste.

Following the release of the WHO report, there has been a global effort to eradicate the copy, but so far these campaigns have proven useless, due to their superior speed, intelligence, and adaptibility.

Organisations such as the DMCA (Don't Murder Copies Association) have protested what they refer to as unfair treatment of the small birds, but most people don't take these so-called copyrights seriously, and all attempts to legislate copy protection have failed.

External Links[edit]