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NB: {{WIP}} belongs on this list, but has been removed because listing it here messes with site maintenance.

Template Effect Comments
(Used on)
Camera-photo.svg It is requested that an image or images be included in this article to improve its quality.
If possible, please add some pictures to make it into a full encyclopedia article and then remove this message. Do not remove this notice until it receives some pictures. Failure to comply will result in this notice being added again.
For pictureless articles
(Used on)
This article has been intentionally left blank
Except for this message box claiming blankness
Which is probably just a figment of your imagination anyway
Why don't you go somewhere else and stop worrying about it! Ya paranoid.
(Used on)
Bloink1 solid.png
This page needs to be fixed up.
Note to tagger: If possible, please include a more specific parameter to help categorise just what about the article needs to be fixed.
Please rewrite or improve this article so that it is higher quality. This may include making spelling, grammar, or punctuation corrections, reorganising the content, or deleting bad content and clichés.
(Peer review is available here) If this page is not fixed in 30 days, it may become a candidate for deletion.
(Used on)
Cowbell2.gif This article needs more cowbell.

You can help by adding more cowbell.

(Used on)
Bloink1 solid.png
This article will need to be expanded.
Though short, this article has some potential. Please give it some love and expand it into a full uncyclopedia article. If the page is not expanded in 30 days, it might become a candidate for deletion.
(Used on)
For the failures of Uncyclopedia
Homeless Image Notified
(Used on)
[[User:|]] has been notified of this image's homelessness on the . See [[User talk:|their talk page]] to see if they are interested in rescuing it from the image huffer.
Former Sysop
(Used on)
Stop hand nuvola alternate.svg Don't work too hard, Templates/Maintenance/Maint
Enjoy your Golden Years.
This former admin was forced into early retirement.
We wish them well during their golden years, and remind them that there's always more work to be done around here.
We still can't pay you, but if you come back, we'll find a spare desk. Just let us know.

(Find a current Admin to bother.)

Inactive Sysop
(Used on)
Stop hand nuvola alternate.svg RIP Templates/Maintenance/Maint
May you Rest In Peace.
Dead sysop.jpg
This Admin has run down the curtain,
and joined the choir invisible.
Please do not disturb.
(Find another Admin to bother.)
User page only, inactive.
(Used on)
Clockimportant.svg RE-WRITE IN PROGRESS
Someone pitied this article. Unlike you they gave a damn and got their finger out to help it. Return later when they're done being a good writer.
For putting dibs on articles when you are re-writing them
(Used on)
Bloink1 solid.png
This article is of a duplicate subject/concept as something.
This article or section should be merged with the other article. If you are the author, consider merging the contents so we don't have to do it later.
(Used on)
(Used on)
Bloink1 solid.png
Another article is of a duplicate subject/concept as this one.
Please consider merging appropriate content and jokes from that one into suitable sections here, that the end result may be an improvement over both. If you don't, there will be suffering.
This template should be merged with {{merge}} because, no wait a minute...
(Used on)

This article is

from Japanese.Ver

Please rewrite this article.

(Used on)
Blue check.svg This page is considered a policy on Uncyclopedia.

It has wide acceptance among editors and is considered a standard that everyone should follow, unless they don't want to, in which case they are free to ignore it so long as they're not being a dick. Please make use of the standing on one knee position to propose to this policy.

Project space only.
(Used on)
Bloink1 solid.png
This page needs to be fixed up.
Note to tagger: If possible, please include a more specific parameter to help categorise just what about the article needs to be fixed.
Please rewrite or improve this article so that it is higher quality. This may include making spelling, grammar, or punctuation corrections, reorganising the content, or deleting bad content and clichés.
(Peer review is available here) If this page is not fixed in 30 days, it may become a candidate for deletion.
(Used on)

Welcome to the Spambox, the ultimate source of the most popular articles in Uncyclopedia, especially ones marked as {{ICU}}. The content added here will not stay permanently, as it has other business to attend to. Do whatever you want to this page, just don't remove this template or turn the page into a redirect. Blanking is permitted, the only main space page you can do this to without having your ass/arse spanked thoroughly. See also Template:Template sandbox.

Sandbox header.
(Used on)
Bloink1 solid.png
This article appears to lack a unifying concept or idea.
Though parts of it may include decent ideas, without sticking to one of them the whole goes nowhere. Please amend this before someone makes amends another way. If this page is not fixed in 30 days, it may become a candidate for deletion.
Vote Reminder
(Used on)
Jesus! Only 2 days left to nominate and vote for Writer of the Month, Noob of the Month and Uncyclopedian of the Month, GET VOTING!! #days left to vote...

See also[edit]