The article is at Uncyclopedia:Imperial Colonization/project.
- (The article was moved to God)
This is NOT MY PROJECT! It's OUR PROJECT. I'm just one of a crew of many.
Miley Spears 01:12, 18 August 2009 (UTC)
- I'll try.

Sir MacMania GUN—[13:36 18 Aug 2009]
Section by section notes ramblings follow, so brace yourselves:
- Intro: Normally I don't like lead-in quotes (if only because my browser renders them in such a tiny font) but these quotes are hilarious. You also set up the running gag of the Christian deity as gambler.
- The First Bet: Ah, a James Ussher shoutout. Nice. (Although: the name is very slightly misspelled in the actual text.) And a fake dinosaur bones mention! Although I'm not giggling yet, this is a pretty good set-up.
- The First People: Eden, later known as Las Vegas. Okay, at first I thought it was an unnecessary reference, but I realise: this is a compulsive gambler we're talking about here. Besides, it's all right to have a pop culture reference or tw—wait, do I see a pun specifically set up to refer to Monty Python? OK, I'm allowing one more contrived pop culture reference, but from now on, for every unnecessary additional pop culture reference, I knock off 0.2718281828 points. However, you
guys Imperial officers certainly make up for it by making the last three paragraphs absolutely hilarious. Sent them to New Jersey for being smart-alecs! Civilisation as a mistake has become a bit of a clichéd joke, but I like it.
- Flood the World: Awww, even omniscient omnipotent deities love puppies and kittens. Wait a minute ... Joan of Arc? Yeah, unnecessary. It's almost forgiveable though, because that Brother Goose translation is absolutely hilarious.
- Greatest Prophets: Oh yes, I was almost forgetting about the gag about the bet about gathering more souls to win. (I know, it was mentioned right at the start of the Flood section, but I was kind of sleepy.) The Moses bit is the funniest of all three, but there is adequate hilarity throughout.
- Jesus: General blasphemy. But rather hilarious general blasphemy for most, I think. The faked Bible verses are quite funny.
- Temptation and Crucifixion: Same as above.
- Muhammad: Pretty funny, although not as funny as some of the previous sections. I was going to mark off for the Ramada Inn two sections back until I realised that this was, in fact, a pun (intentionally or not).
- Sports: Horse racing was the section that really jumped out. But, again, generally funny.
- Gambling: Finally, yes! The Einstein reference I've been waiting for since the gosh-darned introduction! A predictable contradiction, but still, nice to see that in there.
- Collaboration: Nice! In the name of [insert side here], I guess. Neat ending. Short and sweet.
Overall, I don't see problems with the references put in here, or any of the jokes that are in here. The humour gets slightly predictable, especially near the end, but that isn't a huge problem.
Yes, we definitely need a replacement for the current article, and this is a great one. I like the running gag of the Christian deity as compulsive gambler, although it meant that I personally kept waiting for the Einstein reference. I rather wish that you guys Imperial officers had somewhat further developed and expounded upon Satan as Monty Python. (Dunno if that should really go into the humour section, but whatever.) Otherwise: an excellent concept, superbly executed and expanded upon.
Prose and formatting:
That sort of thing really does break my concentration.
I'm taking minor points off of the otherwise superbly done formatting and prose is that some of the images placed on the left side break the flow. However, this is not at all a problem for the typical reader, and, for the most part, I merely pointed that out just to make an excuse for not giving out a 10. Also, maybe the templates at the end need to have more space in-between, but who am I to say? Otherwise: no redlinks in-text, good heading structure, good reference formatting, and maintains an encyclopaedic tone throughout as far as I could see. Stellar.
Again, that some-images-are-on-the-left quibble is the only reason I am not giving out a 10. Otherwise: good relevance, pretty good execution, and fitting captions. For such a prominent subject, of course, there are tons of images out there, and your Empire appears to have picked out a pretty good subset. And you Imperial officers get my utmost appreciation for not using that clichéd just-about-to-fling-Earth-into-outer-space image.
Yet another stellar colonisation (yes, I spell colonisation with the letter "s" even though there is no good rationale for it). I dare say this will bring the article back up to what most people would consider featured status, and would succeed at VFH had it not been featured back in 2005.
Final Score:
This score probably belies the actual quality of the article; either it should be closer to a 50 (I normally don't review articles this good) or it should be lower than my score (I normally don't review articles this good). Regardless, personally I feel this was an excellent article. IC has done it again. (Fortunately, they do it without me, which I suspect is why this article is so good.)
  Sir MacMania GUN—[14:52 18 Aug 2009]