Uncyclopedia:Hall of Shame/Cajek
Features: 34.5
J'accuse, Red Light, Why?:Cancer is Great, Heat death of the universe (co-authored with TheLedBalloon), Classy, Why?:Hunt Unicorns, Normal, Why?:Give Up, Why?:Take Your Fish To Work, G Rated Talking Animal Movie, UnNews:"Hungry Hungry Hippos" celebrates anniversary, Otter, UnNews:Something Wicked This Way Comes, Mordor Jalapenos, Game:Oliver Twist, Unidentified man in green firing turret, Star Wars (Japanese Opera), The Old Country, UnNews:Nature Now Rated NC-17, Traditional Values, UnNews:Your family died, HowTo:Write the Great American Novel, HowTo:Turn Your Terminator On (co-authored with MrN9000), Sarah Plain and Tall, Universe (musical), Bucephalus, The Men in Blood-Stained Overcoats Who Stay Out of Sight, Waiting For Just the Right Moment, UnBooks:Polar Express, Why?:Do a Pee Review (co-authored with MrN9000), Why?:Hit yourself on the head with a baseball bat seven or eight times, Tapheselachophobia, Unfomercials:Uncyclopedia Krazy Kemistry Set, Albanian interpretationalist cinema, UnBooks:Uncyclopedia Brown and Wikipedia Brown solve the mystery of the missing smugglers and their hidden cave or something, Lobster (co-authored with Gerrycheevers and UU), Riddle, Uh oh! (co-authored with TKF, Mhaille and UU)