UnNews:Sea Shanties Get Modern Makeover

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5 December 2008
Portsmouth, UK - A group of Portsmouth software pirates have been busy penning a new collection of songs, based on traditional sea shanties, which capture the very essence of life as a digital thief. 'Software Shanties' will be released later this month, and features 40 classic tracks, all written and recorded by big players in the black market.

Software Shanties Volume 1, available on a shonky TDK CD-R soon.

Director of the project, Captain Gil O'Bryan, speaking from his tugboat, the $$ Binary, off Hayling Island, said "Piracy has lost the glamour, now that it is just about copying software, the cannons and rum have been replaced with the CD writer and Red Bull, and the cat-o nine tails with cracks and reverse engineering, so with the release of our new record of computer themed sea shanties, we aim to put the old swashbuckling spirit back into the profession."

He even gave us a sneak preview of some of the lyrics to one of the songs and in no time, we felt part of the romantic and magical world of the software pirate.

Haul away Joe
Hey don't you see that cop car coming?
Way haul away, we'll haul away Joe!
Hey hide those Vista copies and get a running!
Way haul away, we'll haul away Joe!
Hide that hard drive under the poop deck!
Way haul away, we'll haul away Joe!
We only take cash, boys not a cheque!
Way haul away, we'll haul away Joe!

"After a few tankards of cheap lager, and a good old sniff of some anti-static bags, the appeal of the shanties starts to set in, I can tell you! The album is on sale at all good market stalls in and around the south coast. But don't make any illegal copies, whatever you do!", grins Captain O'Bryan evilly.
