UnNews:Mad people required - Trump

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Mad people required - Trump UnNews Logo Potato.png

30 December 2018

A new 'mad dog' required.


President Donald Trump wants to include another mad person in his cabinet. Following the departure of 'Mad Dog' James Mattis as the Defense Secretary, Trump has asked his staff to 'find another mad man' for the job. The new recruit would have to swear a life fidelity to Trump and his family and to never 'flip the bird to the boss'.

A number of candidates have come forward. They include Mad Magazine, the Mad Hatter, a Mad Cow and Steve Buscemi. All are said to be 'contenders' for the post.

Front runners for the post.

I want the world to fear my government, said Trump. That's why I want every crazy, Flat Earther,fruitcake and lunatic to put their name forward. They will make sure everyone will take notice what we do here. I just ask none have facial hair - I only made an exception for John R. Bolton because he makes me laugh with wish blow up the United Nations.

'I've got it all under control'.

A new permanent Defense Secretary will be announced on the next Blue Monday. A late contender could be Colonel Sanders who Trump has said he will promote to the rank of general.
