UnNews:Israel shells unschool

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Your A.D.D. news outl — Oooh, look at the pictures! UnNews Wednesday, January 22, 2025, 06:50:59 (UTC)

Israel shells unschool UnNews Logo Potato.png

4 August 2014

Only one poster was recovered from the destroyed unschool classrooms.

Gaza -- An unschool set up as part of the Uncyclopedia foundation of Wikia was caught up in the violent clashes in Gaza this week. Israeli forces are reported to have killed five IP vandals, prompting a spokesperson from Wikia to comment, "Wikia has always taken the side of the morally righteous in political events that concern us. After checking the number of Jewish private donators Wikia has we can confidently confirm that we still believe Israel's actions to be fully justified in this conflict."

The unschool, which once taught Ed Miliband's Jewish grandfather, follows the Uncycloeducation curriculum including lectures on Why?:Sell Cocaine to Monkeys and HowTo:Infect your computer with Malware. It was designated as a refuge shelter for many Uncyclopedians who'd been displaced in the recent mass banning rampage of admins at Uncyclopedia. This coincided with the mass displacement of thousands of citizens of Gaza who were seeking refuge from the Israeli Defence Force leading to the IDF committing an understandable mistake of shelling the unschool which they thought held refugees from Gaza and not refugees from Uncyclopedia.

It is reported that the shelling forced the refugees to run from the building screaming AAAAAAAAA! before going on reddit and informing everyone that Israel could be stopped by overloading the reddit servers with redditors complaining that no one was taking action to prevent the crisis. They then preceded to eat crisps on the sofa and watch Dave.
