UnNews:Giant pair of tits legislation finally passed after decades of bickering, breasts unveiled

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Mere moments after the Her Majesty the Queen endorsed the bill CM0R380085 with her official signature

UnFair and UnBalanced UnNews Wednesday, June 26, 2024, 11:08:59 (UTC)

Giant pair of tits legislation finally passed after decades of bickering, breasts unveiled UnNews Logo Potato.png

11 May 2008

Extremely Jolly Old Englande Demands by citizens who have been denied public access to a large and shapely pair of tits kept tightly under wraps by government agents since the 1990's were finally met by the passage of bill CM0R380085, to a standing ovation by the locals within viewing distance and a strange muffled clapping although few hands appeared visible.

"I always suspected there was a fine pair of tits under there, " salivated Mr. P. Tom, nearly falling from the tree he had scaled one-handed to get a peek during the historic occasion. "I had my hand surgically attached to my dick in protest when I first suspected there was a cover-up going on here." Moments later he fell out of the tree anyway, but seemed oddly amused.

The government, known to harbour secret quantities of large breasts, has unbuckled to public pressure, revealing the finest breasts in the land. Some, calling for "full disclosure" say the impressive display is just a distraction from the real issues, such as the mini-skirt, stockings and thong known to remain. Many others, contentedly suckling and caressing, seemed oblivious to any question we asked. Luckily, we are androids today, for otherwise reporting on this assignment would have been impossible.
