UnNews:George Bush Missing Leg, on Run from Police in Florida

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George Bush Missing Leg, on Run from Police in Florida UnNews Logo Potato.png

16 September 2010

George Bush gives cops the finger before allegedly hopping away into the woods.

Orange County, Florida -- The strange story began as a routine traffic stop on Sept. 14, when officers pulled over the suspect, George Bush, who is believed to be either 47 or 48 or 64 years old and has only one leg, according to WFTV.com.

But the motorist sped off, reportedly driving recklessly through a residential community before smashing his car into a power pole.

Witnesses say police were chasing the driver when he nearly hit a group of children waiting for a school bus and crashed into a pole. But law enforcement officials say they called off their pursuit when the motorist began driving erratically.

After the crash -- which shut off electricity to several nearby homes -- Bush allegedly climbed out of his vehicle and made his way into a wooded area, giving authorities the slip.

Later that day, deputies on horseback attempted to track the suspect, but according to the station, Bush's whereabouts remain unknown.

It's also unclear why Bush fled in the first place.
