UnNews:Canine given an Anti-Social Behaviour Order

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Canine given an Anti-Social Behaviour Order UnNews Logo Potato.png

8 January 2012

Dogs, under the new legislation, will be encouraged to clean up their act.

LEEDS, Great Britain -- Coming into effect in February, unruly dogs are to be given anti-social behaviour orders (ASBOs) within the province of Leeds. Under the Control of Dogs Act, nuisance dogs can also be forced to attend rehabilitation centers or attend special canine anger-management. One of the driving forces behind the new law is the increasing number of drunk-driving cases involving dogs, with the new law being able to revoke the license of repeat offenders. Critics have stated that this is a violation of dog rights. Already facing suffrage to give dogs the right to vote within the UK], the national dog-rights foundation (NDRF) has stated that this has been a blow to their movement.

Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill said the "dog Asbos" would "help encourage dogs to take responsibility for the actions of themselves".
"Woof woof!" said Rover in retaliation to Catherine's comment.
Currently, a total of 693 investigations have been issued as of the writing of this article, with 67 self-control notices being served upon dogs across Scotland who allowed themselves to get out of control. Costing the average taxpayer £160 ($163) per-month, the new legislation is to later be forced into legislation accross the country.
