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That time I was nearly raped by a negro during my sojourn to the post office

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He looked like this: clearly, a psychopath.

That negro was terrifying!!

So there I was[edit]

In the midst of my Sunday afternoon post-churchgoing visit to the post office, no? Just doing my Presbyterian housewife things.

and this dastardly negro[edit]

bursts out from the deli, negro sweat all over the place, and instead of going for his crack cocaine, he forms a clear intention to mount me! My word!

so I pulled out my[edit]

canister of mace and briskly crossed the street, and he didn't follow, because negroes are afraid of traffic.

I barely got away with my power bill, six housekeeping magazines and a police officer.

Terrifying. He nearly raped me.

See also[edit]

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