International Society of Prohibited Things
“To prohibit or not to prohibit. That's not my saying but I love to break rules, rules rule. Just like Rufus.”

The ISoPT was founded yesterday by someone who wasn't willing to go to school. He was 45 and he realized that he was "A bit mature to go to school, I shall go to an illegal casino by the west coast of Notre_Dame and have some weed", as he said this morning. So he went and founded it. Just like Louis Amstrong placed a USA flag in the moon, he placed an ISoPT flag a couple of blocks away from here (you can actually see it, it's still there).
As Sigmund Froid said, the objective of the ISoPT is double:
- It's entitled to determine if a prohibited thing should be allowed, such as marijuana and flying like a bird although being a human.
- It has de legal and moral power to prohibit things that are allowed but that shouldn't be, such as walking in a park, feeding a cat and flushing toilets.
Therefore, the ISoPT is supposed to reformulate the logical and scientific basis of the word and bring Disney back to life.
The real mission[edit]
Note, the information that follows is strictly confidential; make sure it's seen by your eyes only.
Sigmund Froid wasn't thinking of prohibitions, logic, and science when he co-founded the ISoPT. He was thinking of something else. He founded the Society because he wanted to get chiks. That's it.
Things that the ISoPT has prohibited[edit]
As stated in the third article of the Hamurabi's Code of Law, the following things are strictly prohibited:
- to eat.
- to allow prohibited things.
- to obey prohibitions.
- to call Paul McCartney and ask him to sing Eleanor Rigby "one more time, pleeeeaseee".
- to take out the paper of a candy before actually eating it.
- to pee through a hole in the wall if there are undressed guys at the other side.
- to vote Bush again.
- to say that 3 comes after 11.
- to read the Necronomicon, a best-selling book by the mad Arab Abdul Alhazred.
- to relate in any direct or indirect way to happiness.
- to read this article
Things that the ISoPT has allowed[edit]
As stated in the octogesimal law from the Indoamerican National and Anarchic Constitution, the following things are strictly allowed:
- to eat.
- to eat a whole lot.
- to throw up so that you can continue eating for the whole day, like the Romans did.
- to kick ass.
- to knock your neighbour's door and run, then buy an ice cream.
- to sign a petition for Willy Wonka to start producing dog-flavoured candies.
- to write things well written and clear.
- to say that 3 comes after 2.
- to apply for the Miss Universe contest.
- to porn.
- to read this article up to the point it is prohibited above (what are you doing reading down here?)
- to get shot with bullets.
Recent controversies[edit]
After the deaths of 24 elderly patients aboard a bus heading away from Hurricane Rita, the ISoPT is reviewing their stance on the use of Oxygen and it is considering the prohibition of buses for people over 5 years old (including the driver). And whether to continue to allow the wheels on the bus to go round and round.