“Oi'm 'enery the eighth, oy am.”
Henry was the name of eight kings of England. It was also the name of four kings of France and seven kings and/or emperors of Germany. The use of Henry as a regnal name was also used in Portugal and Spain and also chosen by other rulers who like the name. It was a popular name in medieval Europe. This was the original cheap gimmick. Imagine "King Plantagenet" trying to gain popular respect for his tax-gatherers.
Henry, in physics, is the unit of measurement of mutual inductance. Currently, the United States has renounced inductance in favor of an all-volunteer Army. Consequently, there are neither any henries nor any Uncyclopedia articles about them. Uncyclopedia does, however, have many savoury articles whose name begins with Henry. (Italics indicate that, if you pick that, it is not what you'll get.)
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