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Forum:Slutlist September 2012

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Forums: Index > Village Dump > Slutlist September 2012
Note: This topic has been unedited for 4330 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over.
Mhaille 25941
Zombiebaron 21683
Benson 17654
Sockpuppet of an unregistered user 13475
Thekillerfroggy 11978
ChiefjusticeDS 9973
TheLedBalloon 6705
Modusoperandi 6607
Sycamore 6469
Dawg 6173
Frosty 6133
MrN9000 5398
Todd Lyons 5144
Under user 5027
Lyrithya 4727
Tom mayfair 4487
Rcmurphy 4438
Dr. Skullthumper 4253
Colin "All your base" Heaney 4158
Fnoodle 4047
Dexter111344 4015
Insineratehymn 4000
Electrified mocha chinchilla 3617
RAHB 3544
Romartus 3415
Bonner 3404
Codeine 3173
Aleister in Chains 3122
Starnestommy 3034
Olipro 2984
Mordillo 2928
PuppyOnTheRadio 2898
Paizuri 2695
Nintendorulez 2584
Necropaxx 2559
Roman Dog Bird 2508
Cajek 2487
Ethine 2403
Kip the Dip 2192
Mnbvcxz 2175
Braydie 2157
Mattsnow 2156
Ljlego 2087
RabbiTechno 2051
Orian57 2049
Drama 2031
Gerrycheevers 2022
Optimuschris 1891
SysRq 1878
Zim ulator 1821
Tompkins 1800
Guildensternenstein 1724
SPIKE 1711
Cs1987 1710
Hinoa 1702
DJ Irreverent 1605
Famine 1574
Luvvy 1543
The Woodburninator 1519
Hindleyite 1469
Syndrome 1463
Shabidoo 1457
The Thinker 1451
Savethemooses 1430
YesTimeToEdit 1384
Sannse 1379
Funnybony 1373
Joe9320 1288
Lollipop 1271
Heerenveen 1244
Why do I need to provide this? 1232
Iwillkillyou333 1228
Magic man 1211
CheddarBBQ 1207
Zheliel 1176
Happytimes 1152
Matt lobster 1152
Strange but untrue 1147
Andorin Kato 1101
Enzo Aquarius 1092
Multiliteralist 1078
One-eyed Jack 1071
THE 1020
MadMax 1004
Jocke Pirat 973
High Gen. Grue 962
DrStrange 948
Zana Dark 934
Hyperbole 929
Saberwolf116 920
Chronarion 906
Xamralco 896
Sog1970 886
Bradaphraser 879
Mimo&maxus 854
Splaka 849
Simsilikesims 836
User:The UnIdiot 830

Edits over the last 30 days

Frosty 1,467
Romartus 1,043
PuppyOnTheRadio 869
ChiefjusticeDS 547
GlobalTourniquet 523
Xamralco 486
Matthlock 359
Zombiebaron 331
RAHB 330
Mr-ex777 285
Thekillerfroggy 284
Hotadmin4u69 219
Qzekrom 189
Snippy 167
Sinner George 151
Hypster 135
Lee Harvey Osmond 120
Ptok-Bentoniczny 117
Simsilikesims 117
Funnybony 105
Sockpuppet of an unregistered user 101
Comicat1 96
Optimuschris 91
JediGanesh 90
Scofield 86
Joe9320 73
Shmood3000 73
WeinribŽivojinovic 73
Rei 71
Shabidoo 68
NoNamesLeft 66
Ticklethekeys 65
BieberAxeKiller 64
Super Duper Fixer Upper 59
Sheilaw12 58
Mattsnow 56
Eggs6131 55
Ilovecheeseandsausage 55
Pswitch 53
Cat the Colourful 48
Bruce 45
TheHappySpaceman 45
Saberwolf116 44
Weebils 44
Ratfactor 42
Bp2611 37
Slickyrider 37
Strainj1 37
PopGoesTheWeasel 36
The Woodburninator 36
Kirby 35
Phrank Psinatra 32
UNmarine777 32
Good George 31

I'm a dirty little slut

I'd like to point out that I've put in just over 100 edits since january of 2011 and I'm still #37. Y'all need to step up your shit. Lieutenant THEDUDEMAN Dude ... Totally UOTM KUN GotA F@H 08:42, September 14, 2012 (UTC)

HotAdmin4U doesn't even rank. Which makes that an increasingly poor choice of user name.                               Puppy's talk page09:01 14 Sep
This is actually a good thing. Being off the slutlist has cured my chlamydia overnight. --Hotadmin4u69 [TALK] 17:28 Sep 14 2012
Gay. ~Sir Frosty (Talk to me!) Proudly bogan 23:22, September 14, 2012 (UTC)