Uncyclopedia:Pee Review/Penis tennis

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Penis tennis[edit]

Theweelad 22:59, 31 January 2008 (UTC)

Hmm, I haven't dones Pees for a while, but let me try this--Æ 18:59, 1 February 2008 (UTC)
Humour: 2 When I saw thought I was going to read a good a good article but I unfortunatley was wrong. While I normally don't link to HTBFANJS, this is one of those exceptions as the article violates it and it seems as if you're a n00b. Some things you might want to remember "The truth is usually funnier than nonsense." The funniest pages are those closest to the truth" and this seems like nonsense to me. Another point, Spend a Little Bit of Time. I'm not sure if you put little or lots of time into this, but given the quality of this article, I'm assuming you put little effort into this. This articles uses extremely large numbers which is bad, more reasonable numbers would make the article better.

Now, apart from HTBFANJS, I’d like to mention other things. The quotes: Not good. While I understand Wilde quotes are used in a wide variety of articles, but I'm guessing those articles were low qwality. Read a few articles linked in UN:BEST, notice how few quotes they use? You should try to write in a similar writing style from those articles (not exactly the same, as that would be plagiarism). The final thing you need to ask yourself about quotes is do they really add value to the article? IMO, no, the article could survive without it.

I'd also advise to cut down the yelling. Obviously, some articles need yelling due to the nature of their concepts, but this one really doesn't need it and it just makes it worse. Finally, the "Famous People That Play Penis Tennis" really isn't funny, so my advice is to remove it. That section also seems to be a list. See UN:LIST for more analysis on why lists are bad.

Concept: 4 Despite being a NSFW article, I though the concept was actually quite good. Articles in that category aren't funny, but don't get me wrong, some are. Not much else to say for this section.
Prose and formatting: 1 Ouch! Hope you're offended by the score. Let's put it this way: This is bad but could EASILY be fixed. First off, consult UN:PS. They're a great help. Also, make sure to add links to other articles. If you're unsure how to link, read this. Afterwards, this will explain what to and not to link to. I'll tell you myself make sure the articles you're linking to are good, and avoid red links.
Images: 0 None so sorry, so naturally, I can't give points. I can however, give suggestions. You can find a suitable image at Google Images or you could use photoshop to make a normal person (not the people listed on "Famous People That Play Penis Tennis") playing Penis Tennis. If you don't have photoshop, request a picture at UN:PIC. You might have a better brilliant idea that I don't have.
Miscellaneous: 3 I'm giving you some exta points because as I'm trying to avg'd out the score. If I used {{Pee}}, this article would have a score of 8.8 and therefore under UN:PRG, would fall under QVFD quality (even though it's not). As I gave you additional points, the article falls under ICU/VFD quality, so unless you do substanital work, I do not reccomend removing the ICU tag.
Final Score: 10 This has tons of room for improvement, and I hope this article gets completed. Good luck and remember you can resumbit for another opinion.
Reviewer: --Æ 20:05, 1 February 2008 (UTC)