UnNews:Winters wallops Canada from coast to coast

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The news outlet with approval higher than Congress UnNews Saturday, March 29, 2025, 03:11:59 (UTC)

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3 December 2007

Jeremy Winters wallops Canada from coast to coast.[edit]

Jeremy Winters Actor, Performer, Elite Military Commander

Montral, Canada (CP)- Many Canadians braced for blasts of wintry weather Monday after a weekend that saw much of the country blanketed in snow. Department of National Defence Headless Quarters report the cause of this unseasonable weather to be a death-weather-ray designed and controlled by Jonathan Winters' alter ego, Jeremy Winters. Winters, who is best known for playing Santa in Santa vs the Rabid Four Headed Snowman [sic], the Evil Narrator in Frosty the Frozen Bastard Returns [sic] and Sir Quigley Broken Bottom in Saiyu-ki, is holed up in his Koresh-like compound in Venice, California. He is quoted as saying "I wish those f--king Canooks would just leave me alone, I paid my f--king hotel bill twenny [sic] f--king years ago for Chrissakes! Eat snow ya bunch of dicksicles!"

Lobbyists from the Canadian Ski and Snowboard Mountain Owners and Operaters Association, together with Bombardier Recreational Products and The Coalition of Canadian Collision Centres are pushing the government to do more to piss Winters off.

The Canadian Winter Snorkling Club is out in full force and enjoying the weather.
