UnNews:Ukraine changes flag

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8 May 2014

KIEV, Ukraine -- Ukraine is set whether to decide to change its National Flag to reflect the Russian takeover of the country.

Original Flag
Proposed Flag 1
Proposed Flag 2

An official poll is to be held soon — date not decided yet, but citizens are promised hours of advance notice — in electoral offices whether to keep the original flag, change to flag 1, or change to flag 2.

“The Hammer & Sickle on flag 1 represents the communism and poverty we will face when under Russian control. As you can clearly see Flag 2 is a mixture of the Russian and our Ukrainian flag.”
~ Джон Дональд, official designer of flags.

“I am voting for flag 1 and I hope it wins.”
~ Енн трохи

A recent survey has been carried out and it indicates that 90% of Ukrainians wants the original flag to stay.

“Why should the flag change? It's OK.”
~ випадкова людина

More news will be available after the official poll.