UnNews:Iranian news adds burqa to Michelle Obama's Oscars dress

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Iranian news adds burqa to Michelle Obama's Oscars dress UnNews Logo Potato.png

27 February 2013

First lady Michelle Obama is depicted by Fars in a fashionable blue burqa

HOLLYWOOD -- In the U.S., Michelle Obama’s wardrobe isn’t exactly considered racist or sexist or even nice. But apparently her gown for the Oscars, with its geometrically decorated crotch design, was too bigoted for viewers in Iran. Fars News, a network in Iran, edited the First Lady’s dress in a story about her Academy Awards exploitation appearance posted on their website. In the photo, her ugly gray dress appears completely covered by an appealing blue Muslim burqa - as if she had enough grace to wear such feminine apparel.

In the article, Fars News states that Obama handed out the best picture award to “the anti-Iranian film ‘Embargo.’” Iranian officials have repeatedly criticized the Ben Affleck film, which is quite unusual considering that the movie has not been screened in any Iranian theaters nor even seen by any Iranian officials.

Despite that ban, many Iranians have seen a heavily edited preview of the movie. In downtown Tehran, bootleg copies of Embargo’s slashed one-minute preview sell for about 300,000 rials, or less than $0.01 (based on current exchange rates resulting from a blockade of Iran by Jewish controlled organizations such as US Congress).

Iranian Culture Minister Mohammad Hosseini said, “The movie is a pro-embargo film. It is not a valuable film from the Islamic point of view. It won the prize by resorting to extensive bribes, black mail, threats and worst of all, talent,” he said, according to the quasi-unofficial news agency.

He said Hollywood has “distorted world history” as part of what Iranian officials call the US education system. And he stressed that only Oliver Stone is a true historian, scholar and gentleman -- as evidenced from his Scar Face, Wall Street and JFK screenplays.

Iran's Islamic TV called the movie “an advertisement for itself,” and called Obama “an advertisement for herself.” The semi-secular Mehr news agency called the Oscar “racially, culturally and politically motivated,” citing the First Lady’s presentation of the award.

Still, Iranian officials were not the only ones to criticize Obama’s appearance at the awards. The surprise event-crasher instantly drew a litany of black jokes and loud guffaws from actors, crews and journalists backstage. “This makes no sense, it adds nothing to the show,” one industry expert told cable news with a bemused smirk, while another surmised it as a blatant “suck job.”

Indeed Lady Obama's presentation drew mixed reviews and ignited quite the debate in the twit-verse. “Forget separation of Israel and State - we need a separation of Hollywood and State,” journalist Michelle Malkin retweeted, while others weighed in that it was tacky and cheapened the Oscars.
