My eybor i miin it omerow

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I ut bout ti eybor, ee? It' coo eybor or it' wort but it omerow i miin. Ti me it extrem iicut to type.


I m not ure ow ti eybor cme into bein or wt it itory i, excty. owever, I ume tt it w crete by omeone wo ecie to py very crzy prctic oe on te uer by removin o te omerow ey. Wt ouceb!

I ce CompU n tey i tt I ou return te eybor oon poibe o tt it cou be ixe by omeone wit expertie in eybor. I men, ow o you et expertie in eybor, nyow? ow uce up i tt?

Te eybor i Compq eybor. It i bc wit wite etter n i, to be ir, very nice eybor. It min w i immeitey pprent, owever, ince it entire omerow i miin. It i umey 2007 eybor, ince I ut bout te mn tin, but wo now? It mit ve been me in te 1400' by enie nme eore wo w orce to oow te commn o i mter wo i "Me me uee eybor by removin o te omerow!"


Te eybor ite i not competey uee. It cn ti type ome wor witout w, uc row, tower, core, tree, more, Zorro, Pot, n Qwerty. owever, it cnnot write ome wor wic ue te entire omerow, imitin it biity n ue.

I o enoy ti eybor very muc, no mtter ow uee it mit be oun. Perp I ou et noter one, but tt wou be no un t . Inte, I tin I wi continue to write ti wy, ut or it n ie.

Wt to o i your eybor i miin it omerow[edit]

on't pnic! Te bet tin to o i to reize tt ti i not your ut n you cnnot be e ibe or ny etruction cue by ti eybor n it miin ey. Inte, put youre in te poition o te poor eybor, n try to unertn ow it mut ee to be in ti wr poition. O, te me it mut now ee! Now o you unertn? It' better tn vin your top row miin, rit? t et you ve cce to te etter T n E. Te ony etter youre miin re , , n .

Te Roe o Ocr Wie[edit]

Tt btr Ocr Wie ucin ruine my eybor!!!!!!!

ee o[edit]


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