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And that's Mama Luigi to you.

“It's yours my friend, as long as you have enough rupees!”

~ Morshu on his items for sale

Morshu is an obese shopkeeper in Goronu, known for selling only three things, lamp oil, rope and bombs in exchange for certain amounts of rupees. He is unable to give credit, not even to Link, his most frequent customer and Hero of Koridai. He has a tendency to say MMM a lot, which tends to annoy his customers quite a bit. Unfortunately, he is the only shopkeeper in Koridai, meaning people who live there have no choice but to buy from his shop if they ever wish to obtain goods.

He has gotten in trouble with Mayor Kravindish once, when he claimed that what he was selling was illegal, although Mayor Kravindish thinks everything is illegal. He has however, been confirmed to be selling bombs to terrorists that wish to blow up buildings.

No Wikipedia.png
Because of their incurable biases, the so-called experts at Wikipedia will probably never have an article about Morshu. It really wouldn't help those so-called experts by writing one either.

His archenemy is Ushrom, a fellow shopkeeper in Gamelon who surprisingly sells the exact same items to Link's girlfriend Zelda, who buys from Ushrom's shop quite frequently.

You want it?


Morshu is well-known for his greed, and will often demand high amounts of rupees from his customers in exchange for his goods. He is also somewhat violent, killing anyone who dares to try to steal from him by striking them with lethal lightning, suggesting he is a mutant. How exactly he does this is unknown, although this gives people good reason not to steal from his shop. He has an unhealthy obsession with his customer Link, to the extent he dreams of having a relationship with him, suggesting he is in fact a homersexual. He apparently enjoys harassing his customers, even giving them the finger.

Early Life[edit]

Not much is known about the shopkeeper Morshu's past, however is it known that he was born in Koridai, and that his shop was built several years prior to Ganon seizing the island. He was once part of a demolition squad, blowing up several things with bombs. This gave him the idea of selling explosives to people. He also decided to sell lamp oil and rope at his shop to people as well, for those who explore caves and for those who were kinky respectively. He has continued to sell items in Koridai since then.

The Invasion of Koridai[edit]

During the Invasion of Koridai, Morshu often took advantage of the dangerous situation, selling many of his goods at high prices to Link and other customers (much to their frustration) that wished to defend themselves from the evil forces of Ganon that were attacking the island. This made him very wealthy, and he considered to start building shops in Hyrule after the invasion was over.

Friends and Family[edit]

Morshu is rumored to be related to George, the baker that lives in Gamelon and sells cake and bread, but this rumor is unconfirmed. He is good friends with King Harkinian, although he often tells him to stay away from his boy, apparently suspicious of his behavior whenever he sees Link. His most frequent customer and his friend is Link, although rumor suggests they may be more than friends.

Recent Events[edit]

Morshu has recently started selling atomic bombs and at his store, selling them to Ganon, Kim Jong-Il and other crazy people. In other words, Hyrule's days are extremely numbered.

Cue death and destruction.

See also[edit]