Forum:Conservation Week is back!

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Forums: Index > Village Dump > Conservation Week is back!
Note: This topic has been unedited for 5853 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over.

that's right, it's time to hug some trees!

rewrite week is back, and it requires your help! the following places are gold mines of articles that could be better:

participation is mandatory! starting monday the 15th, let's conservate! SirGerrycheeversGunTalk 15:35, 10 September 2008 (UTC)

Fun. Now I can show my hilarious lack of humor and deredlinkification skills off to everyone I know. -MafiaHatBrown.gif Velosi-T Icons-flag-us.png {] Screech * Vomit * Mutilations [} 21:27, 10 September 2008 (UTC)
BRING 'EM ON! - P.M., WotM, & GUN, Sir Led Balloon Baloon.gif(Tick Tock) (Contribs) 22:48, Sep 10
Fuck yes. Let's make some terrible articles decent, people. Not good; that's too hard. Just decent. --Mr. Monkey Sockmonkey.gif Pant-hoot here. 23:02, 10 September 2008 (UTC)
Yay! Not only do I have two major projects to due for bible class and a group project due this Thursday in world history, but now I have to rewrite some articles for Uncyclo (which I can't access at school)! Go me, apparently! Wouldn't a forest fire be easier??? --MegaPleb Dexter111344 Complain here 21:55, 14 September 2008 (UTC)
Pick two Biblical and one historical page from Uncyc, write those, then hand them in as your class assignments. See how much time I just saved you? Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 22:39, 14 September 2008 (UTC)
I was actually thinking about that. Seriously. --MegaPleb Dexter111344 Complain here 22:49, 14 September 2008 (UTC)
You'll even get to repeat your grade next year, so you won't have to clear out your desk at the end of the year. Hurrah! Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 23:47, 14 September 2008 (UTC)

V Week after C Week?

Discuss. Lieutenant THEDUDEMAN Dude ... Totally UOTM KUN GotA F@H 22:55, 14 September 2008 (UTC)

Any nays? If not, I suggest the motion should be passed without any real discussion. --MegaPleb Dexter111344 Complain here 23:04, 14 September 2008 (UTC)
Forum:It's_not_about_V_Week._Honest. If you want to comment about my proposal, don't bump it, do so here. I went through putting most of the really bad stubs on VFD after this, and I'm just not sure that there are enough obvious deletes left now to made another V Week, or even my proposal a good idea. MrN Icons-flag-gb.png HalIcon.png WhoreMrn.png Fork you! 23:20, Sep 14
Symbol against vote.svg Fucking never. Also, Symbol for vote.svg strong for considering MrN's proposal. I don't care whether it's a good idea or not. His logic is just fucking awesome.  Sir Skullthumper, MD (criticize  writings  SU&W) 23:28 Sep 14, 2008
DO NOT WANT. As of right now, there are 11 open spots on VFD. Fill those, and keep them full for about 3 weeks, and I'll reconsider. In the meantime, just watch newpages and try to prevent crap from slipping through the nets. Paying attention on newpages is way more important than a V-Week. - P.M., WotM, & GUN, Sir Led Balloon Baloon.gif(Tick Tock) (Contribs) 23:50, Sep 14
Sycamore is not my real father!!! MrN acted quickly to save us from the bad guys, who were trying to kill us. MrN had made sure I returned back to your planet safely. He's a ninja bodyguard flying man of steel. Of course, once we landed we had to return to the USA safely and we had to kinda make our way from Russia, Mongolia, The Ivory Coast and Honduras. Nevermind WHY we had to take that route DAMMIT! Mgr. Nacky (talk) 06:57, 15 September 2008 (UTC)
Symbol delete vote.svg NO. Spang talk 06:58, 16 Sep 2008
i think the week after conservation week should entail deleting all rewritten articles. the idea of a bunch of us beautifying a section of forest just to have zombiebaron drive by and flick a cigarette onto it, incinerating everything, makes me giggle. SirGerrycheeversGunTalk 16:24, 16 September 2008 (UTC)

Conservapedia Week?

Sorry my schizoaffective disorder acted up again, my medicare hit the doughnut hole and they want $200 for my psyche medicine and I can't get samples until I see my doctor, the nurses won't or can't give me samples and I am broke and my wife said not to use credit cards until we can pay them off. So I am stuck in a bad place, right after a bad storm hit St. Louis, and everything is starting to get to me, and I have blurry vision due to high blood pressure. I thought you wanted to rewrite articles as if Conservapedia wrote them. Must be that hadron collider creating the Mirror Universe version of Uncyclopedia that wears goatees and writes right-wing serious articles that are stupid and not funny, instead of silly articles that are funny and not stupid. Aiiiiieeeee, wrong Wiki, or just lack of sleep? I haven't suffered or felt pain this badly since July 2001 and I had visions of a terrorist group striking the USA, but it was very cryptic and I guess my brain sort of tried to make it funny. But in two months or so, it wasn't funny any more. July 11th 2001 was the day I had those visions and the next day I had to write what I had witnessed because I saw into the fourth dimension (which is time for those who don't understand The Special and General Theory of Relativity). Ah for the days when I was sane, and earning good money as a programmer/analyst, and didn't have the problems I have now. How did things go so wrong? I didn't choose to be mentally ill, the mental illness chose me! It created this alter ego, and I became Orion Blastar ever since. --Lt. Sir Orion Blastar (talk) 04:54, 15 September 2008 (UTC)

Your problem is obviously thetans. Give me your money, and I'll tell you how to fix it. --Tom Cruise 05:06, 15 September 2008 (UTC)
Moo ha-ha! Xenu 05:18, 15 September 2008 (UTC) Seriously, though, I hope things get better.
That's funny. I distinctly recall having a vision of Hilary punching out Romney on national television. How come nobody got me the comfy room? -MafiaHatBrown.gif Velosi-T Icons-flag-us.png {] Screech * Vomit * Mutilations [} 23:08, 15 September 2008 (UTC)
Thanks I feel better already. I am back on my meds and feeling a lot better. The visions of the future have stopped for now. :) --Lt. Sir Orion Blastar (talk) 02:16, 19 September 2008 (UTC)