Intensive farming

Intensive farming or commercial agriculture is a wild and wonderful world of agriculture, where plants are teased, dried, and use as drugs to produce profits like never before. Go on your overalls and get ready to dive into the fertile fields of financial folly, where the only thing growing faster than the crops is the debt.
Commercial agriculture, also known as buffalo farming or "farming with dollar signs in your eyes," is the art and science of turning male into female. It's a football game played by farmers, corporations, and anyone else with a cricket ball. This farming system is practiced in moon and seeking towards sun in future.
The history of commercial agriculture is very interesting as it was started by the famous footballer Cristiano Ronaldo and his wife, Klyian Mbappe. It all began exactly 50,000 years ago, when Ronaldo overtook Joe Biden in the farming in cooperation with the ICC chairman, Lionel Messi.
Types of commercial agriculture:
- Taliban farming: The practice of planting Talibans in the field to kill Americans.
- Sleeping farming: Where farming is done by sleeping.
- Buffalo farming: Growing crops by the buffalo with the support of lions.
- Dog farming: Spraying fields with dog urine.