Uncyclopedia:VFH/UnBooks:The n00b Survival Guide

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UnBooks:The n00b Survival Guide (history, logs)

Score: 2 noobs

Nominated by:

Mnbvcxz 17:46, 11 January 2009 (UTC)

For: 4
  1. nom + for another old quasi-featured article. This one had +12 net "for" votes I believe. --Mnbvcxz 17:46, 11 January 2009 (UTC)
  2. I read this Unbook--Gelert 22:24, 11 January 2009 (UTC)
  3. FOR --Hotadmin4u69 [TALK] 02:53, 13 January 2009 (UTC)
  4. ¿O RLY? Necropaxx (T) {~} 16:43, Jan 13
Against: 2
  1. Against. Some of this is hilarious, like the noob-English-Spanish table. But it's overlong, it's inconsistent, it's funny in places and unfunny in others... basically, it has all the hallmarks of a long period of collaborative editing. Before this is ready, someone's got to take a few hours, go in there, and pull it all back together. Tinymasaru.gifpillow talk 00:24, 14 January 2009 (UTC)
  2. Against. Per Hype, who, once again, has put it better than I could. --UU - natter UU Manhole.gif 11:32, Jan 14


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