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Code Result What links here Description
Vista logo.pngThis user hates Windows Vista and recommends the total destruction of all existing copies

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Vista logo.pngThis user hates Windows Vista and recommends the total destruction of all existing copies, the only reason they use it is because they have to.

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IElogo.jpg This user just uses "that e browser" that came with his/her computer.
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Humping iceweasel.gif This user believes Iceweasel is less offensive than the copyrighted alternative.

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Firefox Logo.png This user believes the Mozilla Firefox could easily defeat Godzilla.

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Debian gpl.png This user contributes with Debian because the swirl is hypnotic.
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Heckert GNU white.png This user believes in swarm intelligence and uses GNU as a result.
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Netscape-logo.png This user plays Netscape instead of Runescape.
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OperaLogo.jpg This user uses Opera, but is above petty musicals.
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OperaLogo.jpg This user is one of the 26 users of Opera, help him out, make it 27.
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Chromelogo.png This user uses Google Chrome, because it's Google.
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{{User dialup}}
Verifying username and password...
Shit! This user contributes using dial-up!
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{{User lame password}}
This user has a Really Lame Password. Seriously, you could probably guess it.
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Protein.GIF This user joined the Folding@home Team, because he/she has nothing better to do with his/her computer.

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Sucrose b small.gif This user joined the Folding@home Team, because he/she gives a damn & so should you.

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{{User OS:Dos}}
C:\>_ This user contributes using DOS.
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Tux-thinkpad.png This user supports free operating systems because he/she is basically a cheapskate.

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Microsoft Windows logoThis user uses Windows because he or she can't get enough of your lover.

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Finder.png This user is a Mac User.
Eat up.
(List of Mac-Using Uncyclopedians)
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{{Mac user}}
This user is proud to use a Mac
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Utorrent logo.png This user believes in freedom of all types of information for all.

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