Uncyclopedia:Pee Review/UnNews:U.S. Democrats Close Florida Radio Station

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UnNews:U.S. Democrats Close Florida Radio Station[edit]

Humour: 0 Where are the jokes?
Concept: 2 So, let me get this straight... the Democrats have declared conservative opinions obscene and so they shut down a single radio station? And in a red state, no less. This doesn't make any sense, and yet somehow doesn't even cut it as absurdism.
Prose and formatting: 5 One paragraph, four sentences long doesn't give me a very strong indication of your writing abilities, but I'll give the benefit of the doubt. You might be interested to learn that there are wiki markup tools that allow you to emphasise words without having to resort to ALCAPS.
Images: 0 No pictures.
Miscellaneous: 0 Having a strong opinion does not automatically make you a satirist. You also need a witty idea, and maybe some jokes.
Final Score: 7 A dull, uninspired, witless rant. The only thing it has in its favour is that it is mercifully short.

This sort of abject rubbish is why I don't bother trying to talk politics with Americans any more.

Reviewer: --Cap'n Sir Ben GUN WotM VFH VFP 01:58, 14 June 2007 (UTC)