Uncyclopedia:Pee Review/UnNews:Mad Scientist/Procrastinator 'Totally Gonna Finish That Death Ray Soon'

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UnNews:Mad Scientist/Procrastinator 'Totally Gonna Finish That Death Ray Soon'[edit]

Humour: 8 The joke about the mad scientist being lazy was good, but it could have been funnier if you talked about more of the "experiments" that he had been too lazy to finish
Concept: 8 The idea was a funny take on the "mad scientist" idea.
Prose and formatting: 5 The prose was fine but there weren't enough wikilinks. Also, it's a little short.
Images: 10 Great, funny picture. Loved the scribble-quality.
Miscellaneous: 8 This article is funny, but it could be funnier. Add more experiments and people nagging the mad scientist for not taking over the world yet, especially since he's gotten a big grant from U. Mass to take over at least the northern hemisphere by 2010
Final Score: 39 Funny but could be funnier.
Reviewer: --Hrodulf 04:26, 15 June 2007 (UTC)