Uncyclopedia:Pee Review/Kim Possible (4)

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Kim Possible[edit]

I worked a long time on this article, and I want feedback. This is the fourth review submission. I don't care who comments on it, just gimme some direction. To see what other people said, see Talk:Kim Possible.

Humour: 6.5 It has it's moments
Concept: 6.2 Only the few people on this site who've seen the show will get this.
Prose and formatting: 4 Dude get prooferead to look this over they really help.
Images: 5.4 Very, very weak except for the Tom Clancy and STFU one
Miscellaneous: 7.8 Controversy and epsiode guide are very well done
Final Score: 29.9 I'm not sure if this will ever get featured but it's defintley ebtter than when it first started out, get this proofread find better images and your on your way.
Reviewer: --Dr. Fenwick 19:04, 18 September 2007 (UTC)