Uncyclopedia:Pee Review/HowTo: Be Black

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HowTo: Be Black[edit]

This is my first ever Uncyclopedia article and I think it's pretty good. Please, constructive criticism is welcome. Just don't bash it. That never helps. --Fist of Judgement 06:54, 9 March 2008 (UTC)

Humour: 4 Okay. I didn't find it to be that funny, nor find anything funny about it. I suggest you read some Featured Articles and HTBFANJS just to be safe. But seriously, add some detail to the steps and try reducing the steps overall. I need to know what he thinks about these steps and actions, and I wanna hear the opinions too.
Concept: 4 It would be a great concept if it was fleshed out some more, I suggest you look into the history of some african-american rappers and Eminem itself. Try to base that around those rappers and your own opinion and views on the subject.
Prose and formatting: 3 Why a low score you ask? Well cause you have 1 sentence for each section. Try merging some sections into bigger ones and try making the text seem more intelligent, and stretch it out a bit. Cause the main problem is the length of the text and the length isn't justifiable for an article alone. The length also has to include the humor as well. So combine length + humor.
Images: 4 Well at least you have some images, I would of thought I would see some images on how the subject would look or some images of the hood but that's just my opinion.
Miscellaneous: 3.8 Averg'd
Final Score: 18.8 Well for your first article, you did try your best but you just aren't there yet. As you know, some of the HowTo articles contridict themselves and even mock the situation they're in, and for that you gotta take that same approach and place it into this article, read up on some of the

and look in especially on the featured ones. And as I said before. Read HTBFANJS just to be at the safe side, now we're not mocking you but it includes tips on how to improve your comedy. I have high hopes for this article. But you need to bring them out, take care for now.

Reviewer: Nekami 16:15, 9 March 2008 (UTC)