Uncyclopedia:Pee Review/Creation Museum

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Creation Museum[edit]

Humour: 4 Smiled here and there, but didn't laugh. The crossed out words gag can be funny, but you overuse it.
Concept: 3 This is where the problem is, I think. You need a stronger idea than "these people are idiots and wrong". Yes, they are idiots, and yes, they are wrong, but you need more than that to make satire.

You rely too heavily on absurd statements from creationists, counting on your audience to find them as funny as you do. If it's intrinsically funny, why even bother satirising it?

My suggestion to you is that you find an angle; something to make your criticism of the museum stand out from the thousands of others.

Prose and formatting: 5 The writing's not bad, but you overuse the crossed-out-text tags, and there are too many bulleted lists.
Images: 3 The picture is boring; the caption less than stellar.
Miscellaneous: 5 I wanted to be blown away by this article, but I'm not.
Final Score: 20 I guess that, paradoxically, absurd things are not easy to satirise. You really need to think a little outside the box.
Reviewer: --Cap'n Sir Ben GUN WotM VFH VFP 12:12, 11 June 2007 (UTC)